If the override fails, current published budget cuts include:
Council on Aging: Cut $48,214
* Limit Milano Center hours to 8am-1pm (no afternoon programs)
* Cut COA Minibus transportation by 70%
* Reduce volunteer coordinator hours to 2 hrs/wk
Not a scare tactic, not even espousing a position, just sharing real information. No response required.
To the Mayor and Aldermen:
You don't show any respect Senior Citizens.
My friends are incensed with the scare tactics you have used in your push to pass the override.
We won't forget what you did.
If the override fails, and you cut the small direct services instead of significant waste, you won't get my vote in the fall. Senior Citizen (1 of many)
To the Mayor and Aldermen:
You don't show any respect Senior Citizens.
My friends are incensed with the scare tactics you have used in your push to pass the override.
We won't forget what you did.
If the override fails, and you cut the small direct services instead of significant waste, you won't get my vote in the fall. Senior Citizen (1 of many)
You know they're cutting services at a bunch of different departments that affect a bunch of demographics, right? They're not just cutting services to seniors out of spite? School. Library. Police. Fire. Dpw. The cuts are across the board. Seniors live here too. So if we vote no, seniors should feel the impact as much as everyone else will, unfortunately.
Stop pretending like they're targeting you. They're just leading with that messaging because it will affect you most. Library patrons get the "scare tactics" that the library will be negatively impacted. Because if we vote no, we will all be negatively impacted - the burden of voting no should be shared by the whole community.