About those families have children in school?Who works who doesen"t work?What happens when the kid has to learn online?This could be about health Insurance for an Family to make a decision.To who works and who doesn"t that'S If both of your working.Health insurance is not cheap.Cobra insurance from your former employee is not cheap for Family.
Even if I accepted your absurd premise about gas prices (and we both know it IS an absurd "connection", a last gasp koolaid hangover) it would be worth it at twice the price to be rid of the Qpublican buffoon!
Not absurd - it is happening. And you just proved what I have been saying all along: Libs will destroy EVERYTHING just to get Orange man out of office.
Not quite....we won't try to take over or destroy the democracy!
Old geezer - you are so out of touch with what's going on in our society and culture - time for you to hang it up and stay in room before you hurt yourself!
I understand but why wasn't the 44th Impeached for IRS and Fast & Furious Scandals, this president and VP did in the eight years. I am not understanding what is good for this president is not the same for this president.
Because we have idiots like the Geezer voting for these incompetent Democrats!
I know they should of let us know about Biden's son before the election instead all channels and social media blocked it and look what a mess we are in. I would not have voted for this steroid president.
Our Steroid President? It is worse than that - Biden is getting worse mentally - did you see his speech today - could barely be heard and looked extremely fragile and weak when being asked questions. In another year - he will barely be exposed to the public - because by them he would have become totally incompetent and cognitive deficient - and our enemies will be at our doorstep!