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A Royal 'without worries' palace, Hayti : to a 'without worries' road, St George?

Lay or expert historians of the isle, can someone shed some ‘historical light’ with regard to a Sans-Souci Road, and a Sans Souci House, in the town of St George! Interestingly, King Henri Christophe I, of the Northern Part of Haiti, during his kingdom , had a Royal Palace built in Milot, Hayti, or Ayti or Haiti which he called Palaise de Sans-Souci, the building of the palace started in 1810 and was completed in 1813 by freed Haytian slaves. The Sans-Souci palace was one of the King of Hayti’s monuments to celebrate the island independence from France in January 1804. The term Sans-Souci means 'without worries' - a lovely black King who wanted the once enslaved folks to be 'without worries' - Bless him!

Who named this Sans Souci Road in the town of St George, Grenada? And in what year? Do the town of St George still have this Sans-Souci Road or the Sans-Souci house?

– now why would the folks of the isle want a Sans-Souci Road, in St George?
- is this Sans-Souci naming indicative of a 'town' road 'without worries'?