C. J. Ford Private Investigations Vote Caster

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How do you feel about the Death Penalty?
I think that it is wrong.
I think that it is wrong because it is against my religion.
I think that it is wrong, but I think in some cases it is necessary.
Have No Opinion
I think that it is the right thing to do and should be enforced.
I think that it is the right thing to do, but I do not believe in the methods used.
I think that these are bad people and it doesn\'t matter how they are executed because they didn\'t care about the people they murdered.
They should just put these people away for life without the possibility of Parole.

How do feel about Gun Background Checks?
They are Necessary for hand guns and Assault Rifles.
They are Necessary only for Assault Rifles.
I have not opinion.
I am against Background checks on Assault Rifles only.
I am against Background Checks on both Hand Guns and Assault Rifles.
I think that the government is just trying to take peoples guns..
I think that background checks are worthless and will not eliminate gun violence.
I think that everyone should be allowed to carry guns and that would eliminate the problem.
I think that people are making a big deal over something that really isn\'t a problem.

What do you think about the LGBQT Community?
I agree with the movement in it\'s entirety.
I only agree with lesbian and gay portion.
I do not think that people should be transgender. People should stay the same as they were born.
Have No Opinion
I believe that lesbian, gay, and queer is okay.
I am not gay and wouldn\'t be gay, but I think people have a constitutional right to be anything that they want to be.
I think that the movement is wrong because of my religious beliefs.
I am having a very difficult time with this issue, but I think I am evolving.
For the most part, I mind my own business and ignore people\'s personal sexual issues.
I am gay and I am proud.

What do you think about Ex-President Trump?
I think that he is the greatest president of all times.
I think that he was Unfairly Targeted
I think that he respects the Constitution on the United States
Have No Opinion
I think that the Republican Party should look for someone else to represent them
I think that he flat out committed criminal acts
I think that I am in a Parallel Universe because I do not know what side to believe. I am really confused.
I think that he is the worst spirited, divisive, racist, president ever- And he wants to be a king.
Even though I think he is disgusting, I still think that he is better than any Democrat.
I think that he has made the world more divisive and he really doesn\'t care about anyone except himself

What do you think about Global Warming?
I think that it is a conspiracy theory.
I think that there is no proof of it and it is a left theory.
I think that there is no scientific proof of it.
Have No Opinion
I think that it is real and has scientific proof. We should do something about it right away.
I am not worried about it one way or the other because I will be dead before it impacts me.

What do you think about School Shootings?
I think that we should just not make a big deal about them and they will probably decrease.
I think that the media makes it worst by the way they cover them.
I think that they should arm the teachers.
Have No Opinion
I think that all schools should have private security.
I think that the government should pass more laws to protect students.
I think that all students should take some type of classes and drills so that they can protect themselves.
This problem is too complicated now because of politics so it is up to the students to hold rallies and vote out people who obstruct.

What do you think about Prescription Drugs.
I think that it is a racket and all drugs should be the same price.
I think that we are in a Capitalist Society and the Pharmaceutical should charge anything they want.
I think that all people that are 65 and over should be the only people getting free drugs.
Have No Opinion
Drugs should be free for everyone if the drug is necessary.

What do you think about the Political Medias coverage of Political Campaigns?
I think that the Political media, for the most part, covers politics pretty good.
I think that the Political media favors certain candidates and tries to influence the success of that person.
I think that the Political media just tries to cause trouble and makes candidates fight each other.
Have No Opinion
I think that the Political media always attacks the front runner because they want to see the polls change.
I think that the Political media does not try to find the truth and will not make confront candidates that lie.
I do not like or trust the Political Media what so ever no mater what the party or candidate.

What do you think about Heath Care?
I believe that all people should have the right for Health Care- Expand Obama Care
I believe that all people should have the right for Health Care- Expand Medicare
I believe that all people should have the right for Health Care- Sanders/ Warren method
Have No Opinion
I believe that all people should have the right for Health Care- Republican plan to be announced.
I believe that people should only have healthcare if they can afford it.

Should we stand with our trusted Allies?
Yes we should because we have always got mutual support from them.
No, because they owe us money and we take most of the risk not them.
We should stand by ourselves because we really do not need their support.
Have No Opinion
We should get rid of them and get new more dictatorship and stronger Allies.

Do you think that you have been much better off during this presidents term?
I am much better off financially, spiritually, and emotionally,
I am not better off financially, spiritually, and emotionally,
I am much better off financially only.
I am much better off spiritually only.
I am much better off emotionally only.
Even though I may be better off it is despite the election of this President.
I am better off because of the election of this president.
I do not see any difference either way.

What are your Belief\'s regarding religion and church?
Everyone is entitled to their own religious beliefs.
Going to church is an important show of strength of your religious beliefs.
Going to church does not have any bearing of the strength of your religious belief.
I do not go to church because I do not believe in organized religions. Religions are man made.
I am an Atheist and do not believe in a supreme being.
I would go to church more often, but I do not have the right clothes.
I do not go to church because I have not found a good church home.
I do not go to church because the people there are phony.
I only go to church on special holidays.
I believe in a supreme being, but I do not think I will find it in church. I live a spiritual life without church.

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