on the late news last night....some protesting lawyer...always the lawyers get involved, don't they...they're the only ones who really profit from all of these controversies......anyway, this lawyer type who is protesting the "bathroom bills"...as they are called....explained that they were degrading to the young transgender folks........what now? wait a minute......the young transgender folks??....from what I understand about the process of transgendering, not that I'm entertaining the idea....but it's very expensive....and from what I've seen about young folks, most of them don't have alot of loose cash laying around.....sooo, who would be paying for all of this transgendering, I wonder...it wouldn't be tax payers, would it?...imagine that?
....well, I'm kinda degraded about that bullcrap myself....I don't know about you all, but I'd just as soon not be paying for any of it......get it from the bleeding hearts...........lefty