Is anyone else alarmed and concerned by the things that students have said about their new band teacher, Matthew Repucci? From my students and their friends, I have heard things that are totally inappropriate for an authority figure in a classroom. He has thrown stands, yelled at his students, and he belittles and bullies them. I have heard that he has sworn at students, pit them against each other by talking about other students behind their backs, and told them that they will never live up to their siblings. He has also mentioned his own personal financial matters, blaming his economic state on his job at Melrose High School. "The secretaries in the main office had to move money around for me because I got stuck with this job and can't pay my bills". Students should not have to listen to this negativity or worry about these things when they are simply looking to learn the clarinet. Eight of the ten coaches who worked with the marching band left this past fall because they could not get along with him. Music is so necessary for a school system and it pains me to see this going on, especially while the school administration ignores it (it has been brought to their attention numerous times over the past four years, and nothing has been done). If people in the town are going to give the program thousands of dollars. they should at least know what is going on. What can we do about this?
All those complaints are true, and there is much worse. Taxpayers are on the hook for the charges for a consultant and lawyers to deal with the fact that a year ago this guy was charged with harassing and bullying female staff (and got off the hook because he has cozied up big time with the super and worse, her secretary and both daughters). He is a loose cannon and menace, and was from the first days he was here. Unfortunately he has had the blind support from certain band parents who are way too cozy with administration because they think he's prestigious somehow. They are fools and all of them have subjected the district to a really bad situation, one that has already cost taxpayers in legal/consultant bills and even more in its damaged reputation. There has been a multitude of actual reasons why this guy should have been fired years ago, starting with the fact that he uses four-letter words in front of the students to describe his place of work--their school! He indeed victimizes others, particularly females (those he's not flirting with to curry favor--like CT, believe it or not!). The band parents have some real nutjobs in their midst, incl a SC member, all of whom imagine some version of stardom (for themselves and/or their kids) when they see this guy, instead of for who he is, an unstable, manipulative creep. Fools all! He's a menace and they're ridiculous. CT should be brought up on (more) charges for keeping this one in district employ. Instead, she just made him a "team leader" with an extra stipend!
Did you hear about the way this guy unloaded on students in DC? You can bet KC would neatly cover that one up if she knew. (No sit-ins, with hair & garb matching her idol, for Melrose students, whom she's bypassed before.) Certainly the suck-up band parents on the trip knew, but since at least one of them, hardcore MEFite, managed to get herself a job in the district, you can be sure the public won't be told of this unprofessional and outrageous conduct by her. She's infatuated with the guy, also (ick).
Once again the city's legal team apparently fails, both in protecting its citizens (and in this case its students) from wrongful, harmful conduct and also from unnecessary expenses. And once again, the public is the last to know, though we've already been hit with the bills, probably buried in those "consent agendas" of the School Committee, where so much is passed without question or ANY kind of diligence, let alone due diligence! Shameful and wrong!
Please, do tell more so that we can demand that there be an investigation (not one conducted by CT/PWL!). Even if the administration refuses to listen or respond appropriately, they will be liable for their decisions whether they like it or not. Just as with OCR, OML, and all the other areas of the law that Melrose officials have wantonly chosen to violate, one way or another there will be accountability, even if delayed.
As a student of the band program, I can give you all the incriminating information you need. Curse words are thrown around the classroom like it's nobody's business. "I'm trying to make you fr***ing win", "this is bulls**t", etc. One time I was sat down and told by Mr. Repucci not to worry about the second chair player because "he is not good and never will be". Students are often called irresponsible and told that they are not fit to be student leaders for many reasons, including missing part of a rehearsal for a job that they are working even though they let Mr. Repucci know ahead of time, or even for a funeral. I cannot tell you enough how many times I mentioned to him that I would be late or had to leave early for something, he said okay, then when I sent him a confirmation email and tried to leave practice I was shamed in front of the entire band. It is not uncommon to have a student disappear for half an hour during a band related event and then have the student return in tears with Mr. Repucci following them everywhere so they cannot tell others what happened. "You need to put this all behind you because I am trying to make this good for you, okay?" Mr. Repucci told one of my friends after screaming at her in DC for no reason at all. The man is obviously paranoid, constantly accusing students of "trying to win against him" even though they should be on the same team, considering he is the coach. He has let a student march with a concussion. He has also held the entire band hostage on stage in the auditorium after a competition at 11pm to run the show over and over, causing many frustrated parents who did not know where their kids were. He then proceeded to say that the seniors, section leaders, and drum major are horrible role models, and then pretended to hit the drum major on the podium. Anyone who does not agree with him is a bad role model. Anyone who liked the band teacher before him is a bad influence. The kiss up students are in the majority, they are the favorites and they don't speak up to protect the students who are singled out and bullied by their teacher, because "they are asking for it", or "they should behave". I'm sorry, it doesn't matter if the student is behaving or not, no one should be called "stupid" or told to "shut up" by their teacher, which happens all too often. This is why the students rebel, there is no respect in the classroom going either way. Assistant coaches are leaving, scores are sinking, and the administration refuses to protect their students. We can't learn if we are being lectured over and over and accused of trying to manipulate our teacher for "looking at him funny". Help.
If any of the above is true- this guy needs to be fired - and NOW! We can't and should not tolerate such unprofessional and inappropriate conduct by any teacher!
O.k...Mr. Mayor - we know you read this blog - do your job and get Taymore to do her job - and protect the children!
This is just par for the course in Melrose. Bullies are kings. The power differential here between a supposed adult teacher and a student is what makes this a particularly bad situation. Unprofessionalism is not only tolerated in this District, it escalates when the bully finds that there are no checks on his or her conduct. Then the kids or parents that complain are bullied by the admins (Superintendent/Superincompetent and her wacko accomplice SC Chair).
It just gets worse and worse in Melrose. I hear Superincompetent is on her way out and the fix is in for BC from middle school to take over. He is as bad or worse than Superincompetent. He yells, he discriminates, he is volatile, he is retaliatory. What does that behavior get in Melrose? A promotion. This place is sick, sick, sick.
This Band guy is like so many of the incompetents at Melrose. They think and act as if they are world class in their field and act like prima donnas. It is band for goodness sake. Get over yourself. You are supposed to here for the kids, not the other way around. This happened in swim, soccer, academics, blah, blah.
What you are all describing is Institutional Abuse and Neglect as defined by The Department of Children and Families:
Institutional Abuse or Neglect: Abuse or neglect which occurs in any facility for children, including, but not limited to, group homes, residential or public or private schools, hospitals, detention and treatment facilities, family foster care homes, group day care centers and family day care homes. ABUSE is defined as the non-accidental commission of any act by a caretaker upon a child under age 18 which causes, or creates a substantial risk of, physical or emotional injury....
What is more concerning is that the administration is not reporting this abuse to DCF as required by law, and the most concerning of all is that the administrators are instead retaliating against children and parents who lodge complaints with administration, thus constituting Institutional Abuse and Neglect.
Generally, any organization reflects the mindset and behavior of it's leadership. With Lucretia McNasty as super and Doughboy as Mayor, what do you expect? Doughboy is now busily setting up Lucretia to take the fall for all this, and since no reputable candidate for super will apply here anymore (why would they?), all you're going to see is another butt boy with a rotten attitude. Fait accompli. Now add to that the One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest School Committee. It's frightening, but we haven't reached rock bottom yet.
Someone with more direct knowledge should be filing a complaint with Malden DCF (781) 388-7100. Any educator who has knowledge or even suspects is required by law to report as a mandatory reporter.
I have no idea if any of this is true, I don't have a child in band....but I'm a little astonished that people are actually shocked by a story like this. Kids come home all the time with stories about teachers swearing, or bad mouthing other staff members, or complaining about parents in front of students. Why on earth would anyone be surprised about anything that goes on at the high school? We haven't had a principal up there for a one is in charge, no one holds teachers accountable, and professional conduct is neither expected nor required.
There are parents lining up to to gush about how great the high school is, and to fawn all over the administrators and staff, so how do you expect to keep things like this from happening? It's the same issue with teachers and coaches, the kids fear retaliation and beg their parents not to get involved, so our hands are tied.
No one with a kid at the high school should act shocked by a story like this, in fact, you should expect to hear more stories like this.
This poster is right. For every Civil Rights complaint under investigation already, there are dozens more that would have been accepted for investigation by OCR had children or parents filed the complaint. But they feel they can't because their son or daughter will become a target for retaliation and intimidation by administrators, and they would be right. The majority of the complaints concern illegal intimidation and retaliation against parents who file complaints about their child being bullied by a teacher or an IEP not being implemented (children with learning/emotional/physical disabilities are a protected class under these Civil Rights laws). The administrators here don't think twice about sending a child or their parents to court on false harassment charges or even filing false police reports against them to protect a misbehaving teacher or administrator.
This out-of-control monster is still employed and behaving just as badly. Does he have dirty pictures of his bosses for blackmail? How? Anyplace else and this creep would have been bounced out fast. What is wrong with this community?
Retaliation by the school administration, that's why people don't file complaints. This sounds like abuse of the students. Call Malden Department of Children and Families DCF (781) 388-7100. If they get a complaint they have to investigate.
Yep I believe everything I read.
The administration is doing all of the above over money. Are we still talking
about Mr.R in the music department?
The SC should be let go for bad behavior. Margaret Driscoll should never be able to run
for any city office again. How do you sleep at night Margaret? I hope you never sleep a
day in your life again. Did the administration let go a art teacher who the
children liked and kept Mr.R disgraceful!
get rid of mr. r
MHS wake up and get him out.
The string on this issue will vanished just like NB did. You elected the people that should be protecting us. This has nothing to do with the override that everyone wants to blame.
No one should be surprised. This administration will spend thousands of your tax dollars to protect certain favored ones, allowing them to do damage to kids for years. The focus should not be on the offenders but on the top school administrators in the front office and offending principals who enable and sometimes even conspire with the offenders to retaliate against the complainants and their families.
They have had many opportunities to remove the HM principal but have done nothing. Swatting parents in order to intimidate and retaliate against families who have just filed complaints is usually enough for a school district to remove a principal, you would think?
I must insist that you immediately cease and desist from plagiarizing from the school district's "How to Process Student and Parent Complaints" handbook.
Signed: School District Legal Counsel [:)]
Now he's gone nuclear all over a poor SPED student in a loud violent scene. The silence from CT is deafening. This isn't just the next OCR case. Charges should be filed. How this guy could still be employed by a SCHOOL district is beyond comprehension. But then CT was buddies and protected "plantation" gal, too. When you consider the plenitude of maniac parents here, total idiots who are only interested in status and couldn't care less about heinous misconduct that would not be tolerated in decent communities, then it adds up.
What does any of this have to do with Band in Melrose?
Do you think Mayor Dolan, SC or CT would allow their children to take band with Mr. R?
How can MR still be there with all the reports on his bad behavior?
He is still employed because all of the students are afraid. If anyone speaks out, they will be harassed by the administration and any opportunity for leadership within the program is revoked. Their spirits are broken and they lose interest in music. This man is horribly unqualified to be teaching regardless-he only knows basic music theory and how to play one instrument, never mind his severe lack of educational skills. Fear and intimidation does not make a safe classroom learning environment. But he remains in power because he is a manipulative snake, and does an awful good job of charming CT and the oblivious parents. Can we take note of the fact that the marching band is drastically dropping in scores? That program enrollment is shrinking at an alarming rate? Families with multiple children who all went through the band program are pulling their children out because there is nothing left in this program for them. They aren't learning music, and they aren't learning important values and life skills. And MR keeps pulling stunts to hide this from the public-by sending middle and high school students to play on stage with the youth band and recruiting children as young as 6th grade for the marching band to create a mirage of a growing, successful program. This program is failing because of MR and the school committee and CT are failing to take care of the students. Despicable.
This is a true statement on what is going on in Melrose. Maybe parents and teachers need to picket out in front of mvmms, administration office, and melrose high, Taymore is as stubborn as a mule, SC must be on drugs and Mayor Dolan must be having a affair. No one will listen to the comments with this man MR.
Melrose is so worried about who is on Melrose Messages when they have a teacher like this in the band. No Melrose will have to wait for this teacher to have his hands down a young students pants for anything to be done.
Oh that is not a nice way of talking about a teacher.
They should do a psych eval on this guy.
Needs of the system they should do a eval on CT, PWL, SC and the mayor.
CT, you can never groom this teacher to your standards. The band always had a superb reputation it seems like Melrose is accepting anything into the work place for less money. Penny wise dollar foolish as the saying goes.
good guy , leave him alone[:)s]