Re: festivititis, obsessititis, dressagetitis : the new 'detachable' mournful cures?
You doh playing could pray nuh and how you could use big words so?
Here is my Shilling:
Liberty and personal freedom is a human entitlement.
Here is the thing : it cut both ways.
Think of some countries in the Middle East where there are religious extremists who will give up their lives for what they believe and who fight to have the practice of what WE in the WEST describe as extremism enshrine in the law of their land; women are not allowed to have any part of their body exposed ( except for their eyes and hands and maybe feet )in public; they are against education of women; and guess what , many of the young men and women of the WEST have fought and given up their lives for the liberation of 'the oppressed' in those regions.
Could you imagine if these 'oppressed women' come to our shores and we start dictating to them how they should dress, how much they should not expose etc. We will be confusing the women.
The bottom line: with freedom comes the right ( whether you or tante Merle or brother X,Y, Z or sister A, B, C, and did I forget the Lady Who Could Pray For So) like it.
Go tell the indigenous people in the Amazon regions to cover up.
And while we are at it, no one should assume that I like what I see either.
There are a lot of things that I don't like, things that are not my personal preferences but say what, where do we draw the line, who is allowed to draw the line, whose culture or sub culture should predominate.
Think of the recent changes in laws in multiple states in the USA regarding marriage, I even heard that facebook is also acting ' outside of the box' ( like in thinking outside the box) and having all kind of gender designation, we are having a alphabetical soup of gender designation.
I even saw a transgender on CNN the other day who was born a 'boy' with all the accompanying appliances to boot who has undergone sex change and is now a ' woman'.
'She' refuses to be referred to as having being a ' boy' or a 'male' when she was born.
And she was ****** ( don't ask me how she did it) at Pier Morgan- the poor man was confused as he is actually supportive of the LGBT/etc, etc community.
In Some countries, men are allowed to have more than one wives, some of them have, 3,4, 5 and 6 or more wives- that is 'legal' in their country but not in the West.
I have heard it been said before that when the fox could not get the grapes he said that the grapes were sour.
Some people undergo body altering operations to lose weight etc just so that they can wear these minimal clothings.
Hey relax.
Lets see how we can make Grenada and the world a better place.
It is rather interesting that no one responded to the comment about Quid pro Quo.
But like a lot of things in life, gossip sells and is entertaining.
There is a time for everything.
Hopefully, at some time , we will address the issue of Grenada's true independence and how we can become less dependent on others.