Vern ma Boi, I cannot get Vexit over Brexit. I try to see it from both sides. From the beginning of mankind, humans have come to appreciate the benefits of community and society. They formed their tribes, lived by their customs and traditions.
Over time it occurred to them that homogeneity had its limits, and that the mixing of people cultures and races, could improve their societies physically, culturally and economically. Case in point the Portuguese national soccer team is more chocolate than vanilla.
In the 50's Mother England needed workers and her loyal subjects needed work, so off to went folks from all over the Commonwealth Guavarians among them, only to be met by the resentful "Teddy Boys" who claimed that those colored folks were there to steal their jobs, and cozy up to the Irish women.Rum shop history recounts that the North Side Fighting Force, employing their considerable "home grown" pugilistic prowess, gained friends from all over the world, for keeping the pesky Teddy Bears on the run. See ah biggin up de L'anse.
As the British economy increased ,the discontent re the immigrants decreased, until those Islamists who resisted assimilation into the larger society started acting up.
In my view if you travel to your another country from your homeland, either embrace the culture,integrate,or act as a grateful guest, trying to carve out and maintain your enclave, culturally and territorially, simply pisses off the indigenous population. Those wannabe Statesmen in the Caribbean pushing the free movement deal, better take heed.
And now comes the folks from Eastern Europe and the middle east, utilizing the Shengen free flow, to jam up the Jobs, the Housing, the Schools and the Health system, is there any doubt that already marginalized Britons would say Hell no. when Angela Merkel said to the Middle East, come to Germany unchecked in your numbers, knowing that they would have free movement within the EU, I thought that it was the most reckless statement I ever heard, even by Trump standards. Makes me wonder if Germany is not still paying dues for W W II.
DOWN STREET yes boi u write some gud facts about we going to UK in d earlies and bucking up on those teddy boys,u remember those mods & rockers LOL, YOU mention the different religion and all the mella they causing now,but we west Indians didn't have much d earlies cause most of us was either catholics or Anglican,so religion wasn't a great us,cause we fitted in the churches pretty gud,but nowadays its mosque and more mosque, LOL,LOL,
D Street,
The Brexit issue is not without merit as it has the underpinnings of several factors at play; the potential economic fallout, notwithstanding those you have already mentioned. The crux of the matter however, can be summarized by what many have acknowledged as the complacency of their political leaders in placating "the newly arrivals" in order to stymed the fear factor they bring with them.
As you alluded in your post, German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, in her zeal to be percieved as "passionate" to the influx of refugees in her country seems to be establishing herself as "the authoritative Mother Theresa", exercising her "self appointed conscience in Europe".....self guilt, as you so rightfully observed. She may not be aware that her obliviousness to the potential problem could be viewed as complacency, hence her complicity to every problem that result from that group. However, she is in fact the defacto leader of the EU and as such, has presided over every issue of materiality; a position that has given rise to the feeling of isolation and the lost of British nationalism.
It is my belief that there continues to be some deep rooted sentiments of old wounds between Germany/Deutchland and the ole Blokes of Britton, dating back to WW II. To see Angela now at the decision making helm with Britton toeing the line, does not sit comfortable with most British nationals and it would not surprise me that the unfolding of this resentment is what had stoked the fire for the Brexit.
The other issue has as its underpinning, the expectations of these new arrivals - in some cases, refugees with their religous dogma that condemns the citizens of their host country as infidels. The demands on government to afford them all the religous and social amenities is met with an implied threat, further relegating "Britonions" to being third class citizens in their own country.
This excerpt of your post makes the more salient point of migration for which I totally agree with.
Said you,
>>>>>....,In my view if you travel to your another country from your homeland, either embrace the culture,integrate,or act as a grateful guest, trying to carve out and maintain your enclave, culturally and territorially, simply pisses off the indigenous population......<<<<<<<
This has always been the unwritten law of immigrant assimilation, one that we from the Caribbean understands so well, even as we try to bring in some of our ciltural norms and morays to ease the pain of being away from our love one's. Yes, we were met with resentments and had advocated for changes in the social structure but we never tried to bite the hands that fed us even though our treatment was brutal at times. This new group seems to hold their host hostage with the threat of killing men, women and children and no people in their right mind would tolerate this.
So as you reminded >>>>>......Those wannabe Statesmen in the Caribbean pushing the free movement deal, better take heed.<<<<<< your warning seems meritorious as the facts of the British and French experiences supports it.
VTL and Mello, it's comforting to see im not alone with my views on the subject. I believe in strength in numbers and do not support the isolationist views of most of the "leavers". The answer might lie somewhere in the middle, a robust European common market, with regulated immigration and cultural safeguards.
Merkel's approach is dangerous, in a world of religious extremists,.
I also do not believe in a world without borders, as embraced by the carefree millenials of today. Every one of them seem to want to strap on back packs and spend their lives exploring the planet. I hope they are prepared to survive on grass and weeds, when there's no one left to grow food, or when the refugees of today, refuse to serve the infidels tomorrow. The apocalypse is coming, reserve your seat on the Mars .shuttle..
As for all the talk about free movement in the Caribbean, I would adopt a simiar approach. The fragile economies of most of the smaller countries, and societies constantly battered by relentless migration, would probably not be well served by a revolving door admitting streams of new people.
Our security forces are definitely not ready for prime time, and may never be able to match wits with professional criminal imports.I like the concept of border controls, and I also like the adage, if it aint broke, don't fix it.