Welcome To The Orange County Shields

Please Sign Our Guestbook! Also let us know what you think of our web site. Any comments and suggestions are appreciated.

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August 14th 2012
09:14:25 AM
What is your name?  

Phil Seiden - President

How did you find this website?  

Through contact with Tony

Where are you from?  

Walton N.Y.

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Hey Tony......nice job on this website. Maybe some day we will grow into as big an organization as yours! I just set this e-mail address up for the D.C. Shields.

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April 21st 2012
07:38:41 PM
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Bob Daly Ret Det NYPD Former President of the Orange County Shields

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Denver, CO

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Being a former President of the organization just wanted to say Hi!

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February 9th 2012
05:40:28 PM
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December 19th 2011
06:12:04 AM
What is your name?  

tony scandariato

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liberty ny

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I just retired nypd.I like to hook up with anyone from my area who is retired nypd.

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November 10th 2009
11:05:10 AM
What is your name?  

Robert Fisch

What is the title of your website:  

Carlies Crusade Foundation

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Child abduction Prevention/Internet Safety

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Fellow MOS

Where are you from?  

Newburgh, N.Y.

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To Tony and everyone in the O.C.S.
Thank you for your dedication to service and ongoing support!
Be safe! "Together we can save lives"

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April 2nd 2009
06:59:48 AM
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A friend told me about

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I like your website, specially police humor.
Greetings form Austria

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January 8th 2009
08:32:41 PM
What is your name?  

Hank Betts NYPD ret

Where are you from?  

Myrtle Beach SC

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Hank Betts NYPD ret and VP of the Coastal Carolina Shields just stopping by to say hello and let our brothers know if you are ever in the Myrte Beach area and want to meet up with fellow lawmen from the north to golf,fish,ride,dine etc drop us a note.Our website is located on your links page as Coastal Carolina Shields.com,Thanks and have a safe new year.

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October 26th 2008
12:22:58 PM
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law enforcement motorcycle club

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Philadlphia Pa

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greetins to all my brothers and sisters; am attempting to form a motorcycle rally to ground zero on june 6, 09 as crack the throttle tour foregoing the usual political speeches for our motorcycle exhaust tunes doing all the talking.....stay safe

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October 8th 2008
02:56:53 PM
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August 24th 2008
08:24:34 PM
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What is the title of your website:  

explorer message boards

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police department

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very funny jokes

February 11th 2008
07:49:31 PM
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Elizabeth, Colordo

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Thanks for the great humor! I enjoy looking and reading your website!

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October 23rd 2007
10:29:50 AM
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Arthur Metcalfe

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Memphis TN

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I was searching for information for a security training program and found you site most valuable, Thanks

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May 15th 2007
11:53:07 AM
What is your name?  

Greg Kelly

What is the title of your website:  


Type a quick description of your website:  

Not-For-Profit Veterans Fund

How did you find this website?  

Sent by member

Where are you from?  

Central Valley

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Thank you for all of your support for Eddie Ryan and all our veterans!

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March 17th 2007
10:20:03 PM
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Christopher Moore

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Where are you from?  

Phoenix Az

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I am a Federal Correctional Officer and I must say that the jokes were hillarious and kept me entertained and that I learned a lot of helpful tips on where some inmates could stash weapons and contraband as well. Keep up the good work and as always, stay safe out there.

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February 17th 2007
08:37:53 AM
What is your name?  

Cheryl Ann

How did you find this website?  

From a co-worker

Where are you from?  

Montgomery County Pennylvania

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This is a great site! Thank you. I'm in corrections and it is very informative. I forwarded it to all my instructors, co-workers and military police and law enforcement friends. Stay safe.

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February 9th 2007
09:54:38 AM
What is your name?  

Warren Beacher

How did you find this website?  

My friend Tony

Where are you from?  

Boothwyn, PA

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Nice site, and a worthy site to visit. Thanks

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February 8th 2007
03:17:46 PM
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wayne hamilton

How did you find this website?  

internet search

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nys docs and ecgia member

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great web site . love to learn all i can about l/e. officer for nys docs was ulster county sheriffs corrections div. looking forward to being on patrol some day soon. waiting to be accepted into academy. any emails are appreciated and any informatioon is greatly appreciated also. any police agencies looking for part time patrol officer please email links.

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December 20th 2006
06:51:02 AM
What is your name?  

Pablo Escobar

What is the title of your website:  

concealed weapons and smuggling items (museum)

Type a quick description of your website:  

be and seems to be

How did you find this website?  

search machine for concealed weapons

Where are you from?  

Swiss border police

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A nice site ! there are more and more concealed weapons and they are made industrially. see my museum

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November 8th 2006
08:39:08 AM
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This site is interesting and very informative, nicely interface. Enjoyed browsing through the site. Keep up the good work. Greetings

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October 23rd 2006
02:45:30 PM
What is your name?  

Ken Hopkins

How did you find this website?  

search for concealed weapons

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Im an ex Chief Of Police up here in AK I now run security for two Cruise Terminals and your officer safety information is great for training security on what to look for Thanks!

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