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Alderman & City Politics
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Memorial Day
Just saw the event list for Memorial Day. Two of those events on the list happen every year along with the parade and two are dedication ceremonies. Which sounds like a one-time thing. Why get rid of the parade indefinitely? The parade while not a grand event at leas...
Views: 21   Replies: 0
Last Post: May 24, 2024 10:41am
by Joanne
Why is it that the Melrose police allow the fireworks at Franklin field by a private person to go off after 4th of July? If you try lighting fireworks on 4th of July in your own backyard you would get in trouble. However, they allow a big production down at Franklin...
Views: 106   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jul 9, 2022 9:46pm
by Janet P
Fire Truck blocking alley
…Anyone explain why there’s a Fire Truck blocking city hall alley? It appears it’s left outside all day??
Views: 126   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jun 1, 2022 2:04pm
by Confused
I believe now 12 states require voters to show some form of photo ID
Approximately 13 other states pursuing similar legislation.
Views: 151   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jul 14, 2021 8:44am
by LG
They should go back to having open on-site meetings where the public can show up in great numbers...
They should go back to having open on-site meetings where the public can show up in great numbers....not to do an injustice to free speech.
Views: 110   Replies: 0
Last Post: May 4, 2021 11:03pm
by The Big Show
Our family is the proverbial egg that we were hatched from. Everything about who we are, both our nature and nurture comes from our family. Often in western society, we stray far from our family and may not talk to them for years at a time. We may feel that we have n...
Views: 141   Replies: 0
Last Post: Apr 3, 2021 2:41pm
by Family and Frien...
Why Did The Greatest Quarterback Of All Times Not Wear A Mask???
He knows he needs oxygen, not going to be brainwashed and paranoid, listening to a non politically scientist.
Views: 167   Replies: 0
Last Post: Feb 13, 2021 9:19am
by smart or stupid
Let The People Decide For Themselves....
Not Facebook, Twitter, Silicone Valley, Left, Right, Red, Blue, Media, Melrose Cares, we the people have a mind of our own. I am sure people have now figured out who stared the HATE. I would like to thank, Wolf Blister for going right at NP....a check will soon be co...
Views: 219   Replies: 0
Last Post: Oct 18, 2020 11:13am
by Wake Up People/W...
Nonsense Removed
Nonsense conspiracy theories and hate speech will be removed, regardless of party or affiliation. Similarly, posts that are simply rehashes of political propaganda will be removed. This is a privately sponsored website for legitimate dialogue about legitimate Melrose...
Views: 170   Replies: 0
Last Post: Oct 7, 2020 11:35am
by Melrose Cares Ad...
The former vice-president has a lot going for him...
He also has a lot going against him. In 2016, the self-proclaimed "Democratic socialist" so every vote counts the first Tuesday in November.
Views: 145   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jul 30, 2020 9:48am
by JB
So the city put word out about a supposed "protest" of yet another black life killed by the police state. But can anyone confirm this protest really existed in the first place? For something nobody seems to have heard of, they called in cops from out of town to provi...
Views: 212   Replies: 0
Last Post: May 31, 2020 4:29pm
by Curious
Malden City Council president
The police were called to the Wednesday night get-together, which included a DJ and a parade. SHARE TWEET 1 COMMENTS By Arianna MacNeill, Staff May 17, 2020 | 2:55 PM The Malden City Council president has apologized after she reportedly organized...
Views: 162   Replies: 0
Last Post: May 17, 2020 9:11pm
by Malden City Cou...
We give up. You win.
Okay, we get it. We stink at the internet. You win. We’re done deleting posts and threads. Have at it, post whatever you want.
Views: 137   Replies: 0
Last Post: May 1, 2020 8:55am
by Melrose Cares Ad...
Trolls and Spammers Will Not Be Tolerated
During this time of global tragedy and great suffering there have been numerous shameful attempts to trash this message board. This is a mostly unmonitored board, privately sponsored, relying on an honor system of sorts. When offensive and otherwise unacceptable post...
Views: 176   Replies: 0
Last Post: Apr 13, 2020 9:44am
by Melrose Cares Ad...
PAUL Brodeur congratulations and good luck.Good luck in your new job.Hopefully with all your experien you will make things better for the people here in Melrose.
Views: 169   Replies: 0
Last Post: Nov 6, 2019 8:41pm
by Ted kenney Famil...
Ward 1 has spoken (clearly)
Ward 1: John Tramontozzi 829, Alanna Nelson 626 For a 12 year veteran alderman up for re-election, these results speak volumes. It’s either ill feelings and a lack of faith in Tramontozzi or a neutral feeling of his standing. Both views are collectively viewe...
Views: 193   Replies: 0
Last Post: Nov 6, 2019 8:36am
by Ward 1 Resident
Illegitimate Farewell
Just read Illegitimate Gail’s Farewell Address. This view of herself and her performance is as nutty as TRUMP’s evaluation of his accomplishments as POTUS. if she believes what was written for her, then Melrose is in worse shape than I realized. More vo...
Views: 239   Replies: 0
Last Post: Nov 1, 2019 10:44pm
by Illegitimate Far...
Who are YOU voting for?
Who are you voting for on September 17th? My one vote is going to Monica. I don't think she will become mayor and I don't know that she will get past the primary but I want to support her. The Brodreur vs. Bird competition must be fun to watch. I dislike their...
Views: 230   Replies: 0
Last Post: Sep 13, 2019 7:31pm
by Poll Time
Mayoral Press Meet Press Proponents
From Patch: "Melrose on Wednesday September 4, 2019 at 7:30PM in the Aldermanic Chamber at City Hall for a special Mayoral Forum. This will be an opportunity for the public to hear live from the five Mayoral candidates concerning a range of issues before the first e...
Views: 215   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 16, 2019 8:07am
by No Journalists i...
The Fractured Relationship At Core Of Brazil St. Impasse
In-Post Brazil Street Melrose, such an alliance is almost impossible to imagine. Mayor Gail Infurna once backed Shawn MacMaster to replace her on the board. Now she can't get him to return her calls.
Views: 240   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 5, 2019 7:19pm
by News Nancy
Beware of the 60 ish Year Old, Medium Height Man Who is seen moving Shaws grocery trolley
Hey guys, there is this old thin man in his 60's who probably lives on West Wyoming Avenue but is seen walking on Willow St, Corey St and W.Forester street pushing Shaw carts. He is a violent alcoholic. If you see him walk away. This man will scream at you, chase & h...
Views: 219   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jul 30, 2019 11:02pm
by Safe Streets
Residents Pack City Hall, Vent After Brazil St., Sewage Back Up Melrose, Ma- A Standing Room Only.
Crowd in City Hall...For Mayor Gail InFluma's to answer to the Board-and it did but-the residents of Melrose First City Amits Gliches In Our System Regarding Brazil St.
Views: 222   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jul 24, 2019 1:17pm
by intern
Mayors Race
Great twist in Melrose's first contested Mayors race since the charter reform. September primary where the top two vote getters run off in November for the position. When Dolan ran in a 5 person race it was pre charter reform. All 5 were on the November ballot and th...
Views: 216   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jun 14, 2019 2:47pm
by Mayoral Handicap...
PDR is not the model of fiscal accountability
The City Auditor and CFO would both have you believe their tall, sanctimonious tales of fiscal accountability, always quick to wave Standard and Poors around or anything else that sounds officious. All the hype around so-called free cash is misleading in a major w...
Views: 175   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jun 14, 2019 10:19am
by Paying Attention
Mayor's race!
I wonder how this years mayor's race will shape up. Three people announced so far how many more and where will try the direction of the campaign go?
Views: 227   Replies: 0
Last Post: Apr 12, 2019 7:02am
by Watchet
We are being misled in Override Debate
Letter to editor, March 18, 2019 Dear Editor, We are being misled on the override. I am writing to alert our community about two instances of deliberate misinformation being spread in our community in the override debate. I respect the informed opinions of my n...
Views: 162   Replies: 0
Last Post: Apr 2, 2019 6:37am
by Letter to Editor
Fire and Police
The Fire and Police do not matter in Melrose. The Fire and Police Stations are a disgrace. The Fire and Police Stations are unsafe. The Fire and Police Stations should be condemned by OSHA. The Fire and Police Stations were put on “file indefinitely̶...
Views: 175   Replies: 0
Last Post: Apr 1, 2019 9:27am
by Fire and Police
Fire and Police
The Fire and Police do not matter in Melrose. The Fire and Police Stations are a disgrace. The Fire and Police Stations are unsafe. The Fire and Police Stations should be condemned by OSHA. The Fire and Police Stations were put on “file indefinitely̶...
Views: 162   Replies: 0
Last Post: Apr 1, 2019 9:27am
by Fire and Police
“Sunshine Act”
By Jon Couture March 28, 2019 A few days ago, the “Florida Man” challenge swept the Internet. A simple enough concept: Google the phrase “Florida Man” and your birthdate, then tell your friends what ridiculous piece of crime news comes up...
Views: 188   Replies: 0
Last Post: Mar 30, 2019 9:30pm
by Records
City Budget
From the Mayor's Blog Inside the Budget Part 9 "Every spring, my office works with all city department heads to develop the upcoming fiscal year’s budget. During that process, the department heads review the prior year’s budget and year-to-date actual...
Views: 207   Replies: 0
Last Post: Mar 26, 2019 6:55pm
by Cut some of this
General Gov Spending 62% higher than similar towns
Per - Clear Gov - GENERAL GOVERNMENT PER CAPITA $272 62% THAN SIMILAR TOWNS RANKING: 90 out of 337 municipalities$&postfix...
Views: 179   Replies: 0
Last Post: Mar 26, 2019 5:22pm
by Cut some of this
Benefits and withholding 38% higher than similar towns.
Per - Cleargov - BENEFITS AND WITHHOLDING ITEMS PER CAPITA $639 38% THAN SIMILAR TOWNS RANKING: 57 out of 335 municipalities
Views: 187   Replies: 0
Last Post: Mar 26, 2019 5:18pm
by Cut some of this
Today’s Economic News is Concerning. Google “inverted yield curve signals recession”. Voting NO on the Override!
Views: 175   Replies: 0
Last Post: Mar 22, 2019 5:17pm
by Recession
Flourishing Schools
Melorse schools are flourishing.. I didn’t say it the superintendent of Melrose did more than once!!! Why would we need an override? Vote no
Views: 228   Replies: 0
Last Post: Feb 28, 2019 8:08pm
by Melrose
Time for some real talk
I would encourage everyone in the Melrose Cares community to attend the Real Talk: Override discussion panel tomorrow (Thursday) night, 7PM at the Melrose High School Learning Commons. Show up, ask questions and let your voices be heard!
Views: 218   Replies: 0
Last Post: Feb 27, 2019 4:20pm
by Let's go Melros...
Lemmerman Dark Side.
How JL could elevate “The Felon” to the status of Brodeur and Lewis is surprising. Excited to see that she was hosting a conversation with our State Senator and State Representative. We were leaning toward a YES Vote and intended to go to this gathering....
Views: 260   Replies: 0
Last Post: Feb 3, 2019 2:18pm
by Lemmerman Dark S...
Don't Use METCO as Budget Scapegoat
This excellent post was on the School side (in response to a very flawed posting by "Real Facts" that suggested METCO creates $800,000+ cost to Melrose--NOT true!), but deserves fuller representation regarding city governance: Dear Real Facts, If you're looking...
Views: 189   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jan 17, 2019 12:46pm
by Okay to Vote No
The Truth Really is Stranger Than Fiction
Over the past few days there have been a flood of posts by obvious trolls. They were reported to the admins. Earlier today, posts appeared attributed to the admins saying that the IPs of those trolls had been blocked. After emailing the admins to thank them for...
Views: 220   Replies: 0
Last Post: Dec 28, 2018 9:53pm
by Unbelievable
Views: 201   Replies: 0
Last Post: Dec 20, 2018 9:58pm
Yes Campaign
I am wondering why my questions and information is being blocked or taken down not only by but by the Mayors blog. I have no specified my vote because I want more information. No one on the yes side or the Mayor seem to care is just say yes or else. Yo...
Views: 226   Replies: 0
Last Post: Dec 13, 2018 8:53pm
by worried
Biofreeze would you like to have an open and public question and answer session on the override.. you say you can afford it and make a front that the rich matter more than we’ll i guess I’m the poor, should my kids be left behind because I’m only ma...
Views: 176   Replies: 0
Last Post: Dec 13, 2018 5:58pm
by Challenge
Patricia Wright and Bob Snow obituaries
Here are the obituaries from two dedicated citizens who worked hard over many years to help Melrose be more honest, more faithful to its citizens: Patricia M. Wright, 54. Obituary, Melrose, MA Patricia M. (Shea) Wright, age 54, of Melrose, formerly of Brighton...
Views: 214   Replies: 0
Last Post: Oct 22, 2018 7:59am
by Melrose Cares
Cemetery scandal
It’s been a year and a half now, with no further information regarding the co-conspirators on this issue. Why is it that no one seems to be further investigating, or worse yet, telling us information they already know?
Views: 316   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jun 9, 2018 1:35pm
by Bruce
Mortimer Expressing Concern about Ghettos
BOA April 23 on Vimeo roughly 25:00 A stellar example of Melrose Governance Back up a little and see Wright posturing over those dastardly MBTA liquor ads at the 10-minute mark and then again (after no one could figure out his in...
Views: 360   Replies: 0
Last Post: May 18, 2018 11:49am
by LOL
BOA & SC Lapdogs instead of Watch Dogs. Time for Checks and Balances Again
To date both the BOA and certainly the SC have functioned as lapdogs instead of guard dogs in providing appropriate oversight to those in the Executive branch. It's way past time that both the BOA and SC begin conducting themselves as the Checks and Balances to the E...
Views: 264   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jan 18, 2018 10:30am
by Melrosian
Election night
Demand a recount! Then will see how close it was.
Views: 254   Replies: 0
Last Post: Nov 8, 2017 11:48am
by 5-1
The Time to Act is NOW!
Anyone with half a brain KNOWS the liberal left is responsible for the override on the current deficit. When you juxtapose the tariff registration fees coupled with the remunerations from '02 you see an unbalanced residual of not only BACK taxes but taxes due lookin...
Views: 227   Replies: 0
Last Post: Apr 24, 2017 12:00pm
by $ean on the Hil...
Education Fund
Just received my Excise tax and noticed voluntary contributions to Education Fund. What is this for? Money for schools? I don't ever remember seeing this before !
Views: 234   Replies: 0
Last Post: Feb 18, 2017 6:12pm
by Resident
Baker Veto of State Legislative Raises
I guess the adult in the family stepped up and spanked the kids up at the state house recently - when Gov. Baker finally showed some grit! These people deserve a pay DECREASE not a raise! We should make their job part-time and allowed to work only 6 months a year - t...
Views: 178   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jan 29, 2017 8:59am
by Legislative Rais...
From GateHouse to Outhouse
In a Free Press column last week about the upcoming Trump Inauguration, Peter Chianca, Director of News and Operation for the GateHouse papers north of Boston, could barely contain his disdain for the President-elect. At the Lincoln Memorial he wrote, “you m...
Views: 213   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jan 22, 2017 2:01pm
by Lost Subscriber
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