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Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Taymore and Lambright weren't actually do ANY investigations as uncovered by the recent OCR determination. What they were doing (in violation of civil rights laws) was when a complaint came in, they immediately started scheming with the city solicitor on ways to harass, intimidate and scare off victims and their parents so that they would not pursue their complaints. So what did Taymore do? Nominate Lambright again to be the Anti-Discrimination Officer!!
And what did the School Committee do? Approve her appointment!! Only in Melrose, where civil rights takes a seat in the back of the bus. [:-|]

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

The City of Melrose has a long way to go with all the legal fees first. The SC is more to blame than the superintendent. Our School Committee is Cyndi's boss and has the power to let her go at anytime. What has to happen for someone to read into this major problem in Melrose. CT hired all the principals since she has been in Melrose. Sadly she encourages them to harass, bully, divide and conquer and she has all schools working in a hostile environment. The district is at the lowest its been in a decade.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Lesson to be learned: Change the school superintendent . short of this nothing changes.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Lesson to be learned; Change is coming now that Trump beat out Hillary. Now all the parents messed up the children with the election and don't know what to do. Funny to watch when you have no children. The schools don't even know what will happen next with violence and how the election got so dirty. This is what goes on in the world. Not the first time a president elect had to face this child like behavior grow-up deal with it. Your vote is private so keep it private along with the media and so many other.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

And take down your yard signs, we get it [:)]

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Politics caused so much of the Riots going on. Now the DEMS cant take the loss, but lets work together for our country. You can protest, but lets stop the violence going on in the world. President elect is working with the current president. This is a disgrace you cant even talk about your vote and how the election went. The media and parents have a lot to blame for the actions of the children, and to stay silent is a wrong choice. If Hillary ran her campaign on that she would be the first women president in the United States, would of been more effective than the nasty politics she used. Parents start teaching your children that politics is not to be talked about.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Politics caused so much of the Riots going on. Now the DEMS cant take the loss, but lets work together for our country. You can protest, but lets stop the violence going on in the world. President elect is working with the current president. This is a disgrace you cant even talk about your vote and how the election went. The media and parents have a lot to blame for the actions of the children, and to stay silent is a wrong choice. If Hillary ran her campaign on that she would be the first women president in the United States, would of been more effective than the nasty politics she used. Parents start teaching your children that politics is not to be talked about.

"not to be talked about"...WHAT? So the citizenry should just become another Soviet outpost and muzzle itself? What kind of incoherent, illiterate, nonsensical, unAmerican garbage is this?

um.... the answer is NO!

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Govern Baker should never have voiced his opinion on who he was not voting for and trashing Trump. Then the day of elections he is showing who he did not vote for in the presidents race. That is not good politics you are setting a bad example for the state of Massachusetts. And I think he is a great govern but not to voice your dislike for a running president. Then to show you did not access your right to vote for the president, and allow the media to take a picture is insane. Notice Trump was the first president elect to NOT allow reporters in on the visit to the White House good choice. Get over it and move on parents this is a big lesson for your families to watch what you say in front of the children...

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Sorry don't depend on administration helping staff that are being bullied in the work place. The bulling that goes on in Melrose is unthinkable. I witnessed the other day teachers planning a strategy to hurt a staff member. This don't matter the teachers will sit and laugh at what is going on. The thing that bothers me is I am a teacher and didn't think this existed. Glad I have not invested time in Melrose and will be looking elsewhere.

Thank you for your choice in working with bullying and cyber bullying in our country. I know the schools need a enormous learning experience and most of all the teachers are the worst cause in being a bully themselves. The administration promotes this kind of behavior and it trickles down to our students. Some teachers pull favorites if the parents are a room parent or helps out in a positive way not a negative way they are rewarded. This should be a unacceptable practice in Melrose. You should be caring about the students whom parents cant get involved teachers!!!

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

eh what?
Politics caused so much of the Riots going on. Now the DEMS cant take the loss, but lets work together for our country. You can protest, but lets stop the violence going on in the world. President elect is working with the current president. This is a disgrace you cant even talk about your vote and how the election went. The media and parents have a lot to blame for the actions of the children, and to stay silent is a wrong choice. If Hillary ran her campaign on that she would be the first women president in the United States, would of been more effective than the nasty politics she used. Parents start teaching your children that politics is not to be talked about.

"not to be talked about"...WHAT? So the citizenry should just become another Soviet outpost and muzzle itself? What kind of incoherent, illiterate, nonsensical, unAmerican garbage is this?

um.... the answer is NO!

America has spoken and it was the silent vote that counted. You can't take the upset in the election to bad! Trump made history in this election by being the oldest president to be elected and the electoral map. Maybe that would be a good thing to teach the children in school. The kids are having a hard time coping with this election because of the parents, media and the horrible campaigning between both parties.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Respect The Rights Of Others. Treat others as you want to be treated.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Respect our president elect you are correct. I would like President

Obama to speak out on the riots and violence going on. He spoke out a few

times with black lives matter. He divided this country more than any other

president that took office. Hillary should just move on and not blame the

FBI for her loss. Let's face it she was just not well liked and her campaign

was all about Trump. That hurt her at the end of the campaign all she talked

about was TRUMP!!! It was like Christmas morning when you heard Donald J. Trump

won, but you can't talk about it or you will get bullied. Dad and Mom still

waiting you haven't done a thing...

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

President elect knows how to save money. His votes only cost him $5.00 dollars a person. Now Hillary Clintons cost way more for a vote. Maybe Trump can work on the economy in the U.S.A. so give him a chance to even get started. The violence is people who want to fight with the police and it has nothing to do with the election.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Mom and Dad
Respect The Rights Of Others. Treat others as you want to be treated.

That is a true saying if it was only true in Melrose. Let's start with the staff they are the worst bullies along with the principals. CT was to bring in a bully program when she first came to Melrose. Instead she let's everyone bully one another and now the students are out of control at the Middle School. What a reason not to send your child to the HS.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

People should be alert during the process and if you see something say something.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Respect The Rights Of Others. Treat others as you want to be treated.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Propaganda that is what Melrose has done to this election. Material disseminated by the advocates or opponents of a doctrine or cause: People need to get over it and get a life fast. My daughter said the teacher's were talking to each other and on their phones a lot about the election. This country is a disaster and needs a direction to go.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

More staff should be leaving the High School like Carr and Repucci.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

More staff will be leaving Melrose High soon.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Resign IS IT TIME FOR ARE Ms. Taymore should be leaving.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

If CT leave's hope she take's all the phonies with her that means MA too. Melrose needs a serious make-over and Taymore did not perform well in that needs of the system. PWL she cant find a job or she would have loved to be in another city. It should be time to resign this group that includes Dolan. I would not give a lousy hoot if this city did fail but its my home. Give these teachers what they need they work so hard with the children. Not a easy job like years ago more eyes the better.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Do I even have to say it?

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

I wouldn't even know where to start. Good grief!

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Lesson to be learned: Change the school superintendent . short of this nothing changes.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Propaganda that is what Melrose has done to this election. Material disseminated by the advocates or opponents of a doctrine or cause: People need to get over it and get a life fast. My daughter said the teacher's were talking to each other and on their phones a lot about the election. This country is a disaster and needs a direction to go.

You are correct with this statement it is so true having teachers standing outside the schools was a disgrace.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

What signs were teachers holding and outside of which schools?

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

They weren't picketing, and it had nothing to do with any election. Watch the Nov 22 SC mtg at 3:30. Taymore had to explain it because Dolan was "concerned" (had a hissyfit) that it was a picket. Kind of hard to cover that up, right Rob? Jackass.

And as long as you went there, what's wrong with picketing?

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Nothing is wrong with picketing.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

What ever it was it looked like you were desperate teachers! From a moms point of view it made me worried more.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Never should of seen teachers standing holding signs when I drove my kids to school last week. I can see why the mayor is not happy with CT for directing this type of picketing in the schools.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

So, I did not see the teachers "picketing" or whatever, and I did not watch the school committee meeting- just haven't had time to yet. Can someone just briefly explain what the picketing was all about? I have heard groups of moms talking about it, but I imagine they have the story wrong.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

"Never should of seen"

Should have.....

Crikey! What is wrong with so many here that basic English is beyond their grasp?????????

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

They were not picketing. They were out supporting student diversity. See the SC mtg of 11/22 at 3:31. The Mayor had a hissy fit about it because he thought they were picketing, and he reacted without actually finding out what was going on, as he is prone to do. He was still sulking about it all the way through the SC meeting, because in his mind it made him look bad.

In any case, what's so bad about picketing anyway? There ought to be a full-fledged revolt there.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Give Me A Break
They were not picketing. They were out supporting student diversity. See the SC mtg of 11/22 at 3:31. The Mayor had a hissy fit about it because he thought they were picketing, and he reacted without actually finding out what was going on, as he is prone to do. He was still sulking about it all the way through the SC meeting, because in his mind it made him look bad.

In any case, what's so bad about picketing anyway? There ought to be a full-fledged revolt there.
Lesson to be learned: Change the school superintendent and The Mayor short of this nothing changes.It is what it is nothing new.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Politics caused so much of the Riots going on. Now the DEMS cant take the loss, but lets work together for our country. You can protest, but lets stop the violence going on in the world. President elect is working with the current president. This is a disgrace you cant even talk about your vote and how the election went. The media and parents have a lot to blame for the actions of the children, and to stay silent is a wrong choice. If Hillary ran her campaign on that she would be the first women president in the United States, would of been more effective than the nasty politics she used. Parents start teaching your children that politics is not to be talked about.

Oh, please do talk about your vote! You see, I know exactly who many of the local Trump voters are, I saw who had the yard signs, who shot their mouths off on the Melrose Community Message boards, who on Facebook liked the alt-right stories. And some of you own small businesses, and you can guarantee that I will never hire you, and I will make sure to tell my friends, who are also horrified by Trumps behavior, and they won't hire you either. And someday, if you are looking for a job, those of us with long memories, who might be in a position to help you with a reference or recommendation, or are actually managers who do hiring, will not even look at your resume, as we will assume you could become a legal liability for any professional position, as you evidently embrace the views of your candidate.

So please, keep gloating and cheering over your win, it helps the rest of us know who to avoid.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Politics caused so much of the Riots going on. Now the DEMS cant take the loss, but lets work together for our country. You can protest, but lets stop the violence going on in the world. President elect is working with the current president. This is a disgrace you cant even talk about your vote and how the election went. The media and parents have a lot to blame for the actions of the children, and to stay silent is a wrong choice. If Hillary ran her campaign on that she would be the first women president in the United States, would of been more effective than the nasty politics she used. Parents start teaching your children that politics is not to be talked about.

Oh, please do talk about your vote! You see, I know exactly who many of the local Trump voters are, I saw who had the yard signs, who shot their mouths off on the Melrose Community Message boards, who on Facebook liked the alt-right stories. And some of you own small businesses, and you can guarantee that I will never hire you, and I will make sure to tell my friends, who are also horrified by Trumps behavior, and they won't hire you either. And someday, if you are looking for a job, those of us with long memories, who might be in a position to help you with a reference or recommendation, or are actually managers who do hiring, will not even look at your resume, as we will assume you could become a legal liability for any professional position, as you evidently embrace the views of your candidate.

So please, keep gloating and cheering over your win, it helps the rest of us know who to avoid.

Spoken by a true left wing liberal progressive - NUT! You LOST fair and square! Get over it and move on with your miserable life! It is a shame to see how politics rule the life of these liberals - as if that is the most important thing in life. How about being concerned about your fellow human being whether they are liberal, conservative, Democrat, Republican, or anything else. I thought you liberals were so touchy-feely and so concerned about the welfare of all people no matter who or what they are? Truth be told - you are all phoneys - narcissistic, and care only for the very elite of our society and for only those who think as you do - that's why you lost this election - the "silent majority" finally discovered who you really are!

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

So, I voted for Trump. I wasn't thrilled with my choices, but I could not/would not cast a vote for Hillary, and I believe that Trump had more of my interests at heart. I also wanted to make sure that he, and not she, would be making the SC nominations. I have a young teenage daughter, and I used the election to show her over and over again that politicians are collectively the worst people on earth. And I believe that completely. I also used the plethora of political articles out there to show her how pretty much everybody involved in politics is a hypocrite. I certainly do not think that either side can claim any sort of moral high ground. A lot of ugliness was revealed, and maybe, in some way, that was a good thing.
But this person talking about "I know who you are and I will never hire you, help you, etc. I will not read your resume. I will tell all my friends..." really sounds like he/she has fallen off the deep end.
Have you really been stewing in this hate of yours since the election? You must have a great life to be able to sit around and do that. Healthy people have moved on by now. I have been working, taking care of my family, caring for a sick relative, and enjoying my friends and families through a wonderful Thanksgiving. Life really is too short for you to sit around relishing the thought of keeping someone else from putting food on their table, because they didn't vote for your candidate (who had many problems of her own). Really, get some help.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Just to correct the previous poster about politicians - I think we can all agree that Trump is not a politician - why? Because he speaks very frankly, unlike politicians, he says what he believes, unlike politicians, he is willing to freely engage reporters until they get bored, unlike politicians, he is a doer - a man that builds things and gets things accomplished in his life, unlike politicians. So - although you may want to lump him in with politicians - he isn't one of them as demonstrated by the primaries!

To be honest - during the primaries - he was not my first choice - heck - he wasn't even my second choice, nor my third choice - but I read more about him and finally figured him out and voted for him in the final election.

He is unlike anything the press or talking heads have ever seen before - his leadership and managerial skills are only exhibited when he is negotiating things in groups or meetings. He is more in the Truman mold - what you see is what you get - only Trump is much smarter and exhibits better managerial skills than Truman ever had. President-Elect Trump is going shake up the political world - when he enters office, so hold on to the furniture and get ready for a wild and exciting ride of your life - Making America Great Again!

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Trouble with the Liberal left Progressives
Politics caused so much of the Riots going on. Now the DEMS cant take the loss, but lets work together for our country. You can protest, but lets stop the violence going on in the world. President elect is working with the current president. This is a disgrace you cant even talk about your vote and how the election went. The media and parents have a lot to blame for the actions of the children, and to stay silent is a wrong choice. If Hillary ran her campaign on that she would be the first women president in the United States, would of been more effective than the nasty politics she used. Parents start teaching your children that politics is not to be talked about.

Oh, please do talk about your vote! You see, I know exactly who many of the local Trump voters are, I saw who had the yard signs, who shot their mouths off on the Melrose Community Message boards, who on Facebook liked the alt-right stories. And some of you own small businesses, and you can guarantee that I will never hire you, and I will make sure to tell my friends, who are also horrified by Trumps behavior, and they won't hire you either. And someday, if you are looking for a job, those of us with long memories, who might be in a position to help you with a reference or recommendation, or are actually managers who do hiring, will not even look at your resume, as we will assume you could become a legal liability for any professional position, as you evidently embrace the views of your candidate.

So please, keep gloating and cheering over your win, it helps the rest of us know who to avoid.

Spoken by a true left wing liberal progressive - NUT! You LOST fair and square! Get over it and move on with your miserable life! It is a shame to see how politics rule the life of these liberals - as if that is the most important thing in life. How about being concerned about your fellow human being whether they are liberal, conservative, Democrat, Republican, or anything else. I thought you liberals were so touchy-feely and so concerned about the welfare of all people no matter who or what they are? Truth be told - you are all phoneys - narcissistic, and care only for the very elite of our society and for only those who think as you do - that's why you lost this election - the "silent majority" finally discovered who you really are!

You embraced the candidate who has been formally and publicly endorsed by the KKK, who ran a campaign based on insults and hate, with a history of misogyny and abuse of women. This wasn't just a philosophical disagreement over economic policy. This was an embrace of far right, extremist philosophy. It says a lot about your character. I don't want anyone who embraces the rhetoric and attitude of a man like Trump in my home, around my young daughters. I don't want to do business with, or hire anyone who thinks that it's all fair game to cheat small business owners, I've had family who owned small businesses and I know how hard it is to make a living, and how devastating it can be when a client refuses to pay. Trump has a lengthy history of lying and cheating consumers and small business owners, I can only assume his supporters, who admire him so much, share his philosophy.

And SURPRISE! I am not a Democrat, nor a "wealthy elite", nor even that liberal. I am part of the majority of voters who did not vote for Trump. For those that did, history, and your neighbors, will judge you harshly.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Yes - is just another sore loser! I am sure that if Hillary had won - she would want to have her daughters working in the White House with Bill the Rapist walking around - the hypocrisy is incredible with these people! Go back home and try to figure out what happened that got Trump to the Presidency - chances are you people will never figure it out - just too stupid! You all just forgot Middle America - where people take showers after work and not before like the West/East coast elites!

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Ms. Wright - will you please open up another thread for people of all persuasions who can't yet let go of the election? That way we can read about the schools and the city government.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

You're right. Much more apropos would be tips on surviving the coming Trumpocalypse.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Resign IS IT TIME FOR ARE Ms. Taymore should be leaving.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

All schools are falling apart. Melrose handled the election with bad judgment. Hillary did it to herself and we have to move on. Just like people did when Obama got elected. Let It Go!!!

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Dec 13 SC meeting: Slipping in more dangerous and costly actions when no one will be looking.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

The school committee members feel they are shielded from responsibility.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Who's more naughty or nice Mayor Dolan or Cyndi Taymore during the month of December? I will have to go to the last SC meeting to see which one gets the coal.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

We will have to compare the results of the current DESE Review of SPED and Civil Rights programs for Taymore (ouch) and compare this against the DA's investigation of the cemetery scandal to see if there is any connection to the Dolan camp (again, ouch).

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

This superintendent needs to go. What is wrong with the SC not to let her go?

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

This superintendent needs to go. What is wrong with the SC not to let her go?

To MOM! They hired her - you expect them to admit that they made a mistake? Do you think that they would actually put the kids and the school system first rather than their own ego? These are all self-serving people that you all elected - stop complaining - you all had a chance to vote - andf you screwed that up - don't come here and now complain!

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