Melrose Cares: Open Community Dialogue

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New Roosevelt Principal's Call to Action !
"We are the Red Raiders" is the proclamation by the new Roosevelt School Principal. Race based names and stereotypes in this day and age are insensitive and ignorant. Great start for the 4th Roosevelt Principal in 6 years.
Views: 22528   Replies: 282
Last Post: Jul 2, 2018 8:51pm
by Hot Sun
Gym/Health classes at the Roosey
Why is Mr. Goodwin leaving and being moved to the Hoover School?
Views: 638   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jun 30, 2018 5:50pm
by guess
Conway gone
On Thursday, June 21, 2018, 10:00 AM, MELROSE MIDDLE SCHOOL wrote: A message from MELROSE MIDDLE SCHOOL Hello MVMMS Families, I want to share some news with you. Tuesday night I was appointed the Assistant Superintendent for the Pentucket Regional Sc...
Views: 1492   Replies: 21
Last Post: Jun 30, 2018 12:49pm
by Curious
Conflict of interest
As the former Chair of the "Yes for Melrose" Committee, it seems prudent that Jen McAndrew be removed from her current position on the SC. This is a direct conflict of interest as the override is being pushed by the Mayor (also currently on the SC).
Views: 667   Replies: 9
Last Post: Jun 26, 2018 12:50pm
by Marion
Middle School Bullying
There's a heartbreaking story in the news about a 12 year old girl in NJ. Mallory and her parents begged school officials many times to discipline classmates bullying her. They didn't. They told them not to file a formal complaint. They said it would only cause her m...
Views: 402   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 20, 2018 11:46am
by Starts at home
There is chatter around about having another override. I personally would like this to be voted on when we have a Mayor in office that the residents have voted on. This cannot be hastily done. There needs to be a plan better than the last one. It will fail agai...
Views: 6240   Replies: 96
Last Post: Jun 19, 2018 8:33pm
by Willie
Middle School
Does anyone know why there were a group of teachers outside school this morning? Looked like some kind of protest. Wearing union T shirts
Views: 1195   Replies: 14
Last Post: Jun 19, 2018 8:58am
by BJ
'school day' requirements
Granted I'm old, but this whole thing with the Lowell schools being closed today has me confused. If they can not have school today, yet not have to 'make it up', then why were they going so "late in June" today anyway? Is the number of days required flexible?
Views: 430   Replies: 5
Last Post: Jun 18, 2018 8:38pm
by WTF
School Committee/Superintendent Ignorance
Special School Committee Budget Forum Parent: Is there a formula for how much each special needs student brings into the district [from state/federal funding]? Superintendent Taymore: "There is a formula, but I don't know it off th...
Views: 880   Replies: 12
Last Post: Jun 14, 2018 11:43am
by Enough is enough
Lincoln principal leaving
It's confirmed - Jenny Corduck accepted a position in Lexington for the next school year. The next Lincoln principal will be the fifth in six years.
Views: 1072   Replies: 11
Last Post: Jun 11, 2018 4:03pm
by $68,000
MHS Graduation
Unfortunately I will be unable to attend this years MHS graduation ceremony. I am requesting one of you folks please report back on the festivities. There are two things we can always depend on at the MHS graduation. (1) The annual angry METCO student speech....
Views: 880   Replies: 9
Last Post: Jun 4, 2018 6:24pm
by Claire
Breaking news. MPD release alleged child molester who then flees country
Exactly how long were officials going to wait before warning school students and parents about this disturbing incident on May 15th?
Views: 855   Replies: 17
Last Post: May 28, 2018 2:11pm
by oh brother is wr...
So if there is no room this year for all Kindergartens to be in elementary schools how will we fit them there next year ? Also will the children housed at ECC have gym, library, music ? Do they have cafeteria at ECC ?
Views: 1367   Replies: 38
Last Post: May 16, 2018 4:38pm
by Listen good
School Overcrowding
This is what I don't understand: With so many families and children moving into Melrose, there is no room in the schools for these children. So, what do they do? Overcrowd the Lincoln and Roosevelt one year. Build extended classrooms at some of the schools the next y...
Views: 350   Replies: 2
Last Post: May 12, 2018 4:17pm
by #Be Best
Needs to go.
She needs to go.
Views: 588   Replies: 4
Last Post: May 7, 2018 7:16pm
by being trolled
Social host law
I'm not sure where this thread belongs but I chose here since it involves high school kids. A few years ago the social host laws were a hot topic among these threads and in the newspapers. I know there was a Melrose High prom last evening, correct? Well it seems afte...
Views: 919   Replies: 17
Last Post: May 7, 2018 9:08am
by Geezer
Audit The Schools
A Foresnsic Audit is required for the MPS before any OVERRIDE is even discussed.
Views: 820   Replies: 20
Last Post: Apr 30, 2018 11:13pm
by Nope
Racial "disparities"
Someone posted on CG about how blacks and hispanics make up 9% of school population but 55% of suspensions. As per usual trying to stir the racial pot by making it seem that this happens because Melrose is racist and not because these children are the least likely to...
Views: 634   Replies: 12
Last Post: Apr 30, 2018 6:36pm
by Override Defeat
High School
March 14, 2018 the seniors will walk out of MHS for 17 minutes around ten o'clock. The protest is to enforce new gun laws. Power to all the students at MHS.:calendar:
Views: 2725   Replies: 55
Last Post: Apr 24, 2018 8:25pm
Bully Teacher Back At MVMMS
Ms. Ahern, the teacher Brow permitted to switch back and forth between science and math to avoid getting her masters degree is back teaching. This is an example of her bully tactics. She ran a shower for a teacher invited every para but one she told everyone she was...
Views: 1250   Replies: 20
Last Post: Apr 24, 2018 8:05pm
by request
CFO Lies and Annual School Budget Fear-Mongering
from MFPress: Chief Financial Officer and Auditor Patrick Dello Russo said the city’s educational budget had never really recovered from the global economic downturn of a decade ago, and the subsequent drop-off in state and federal funding. “We lost o...
Views: 562   Replies: 8
Last Post: Apr 22, 2018 9:04pm
by Melrose Resident
Major budget buster goes unchecked
Mass and Fed SPED law requires any eventual SPED referral have previous intervention strategies delineated by a "Child Study Team" CST or the like consisting of adm, classroom tchr and SPED personnel minimum. Once the student begins to fall behind, especially in K-3...
Views: 446   Replies: 5
Last Post: Apr 20, 2018 11:25am
by Bob Snow
Emotional Issues
This is a very serious question. What is causing such a dramatic increase in anxiety, depression and emotional meltdowns among students of all ages in our schools? Social and emotional development challenges and children who can't adjust to routines and structure wa...
Views: 689   Replies: 6
Last Post: Apr 4, 2018 2:22pm
by Standards-based ...
Childs grades
Hello all, My child is currently a sophomore at Melrose High and she is a very intelligent and well behaved student. Recently i was checking her Aspen and her GPA is only a 4.4. To be quite honest I am very concerned. She is taking 3 AP classes and honors pre calculu...
Views: 842   Replies: 17
Last Post: Mar 30, 2018 7:32pm
by Kevin
Pathetic New Program of Studies p.77 588 Engineering Design Level: CP 0.5 Credit Prerequisite: None Grades 9-12 Expectations: Everything that we use in our everyday lives, except maybe a tree,...
Views: 845   Replies: 16
Last Post: Mar 28, 2018 7:27pm
by Toilet training
Parkland - an excuse to push "kindness, empathy and inclusivity in school and in the community"
This is the kind of outrageous, gynocentric garbage that is being forced upon our children via the public school system. Schools should be focused on teaching math, science, and literature and NOT kindness, inclusivity, empathy, social and self awareness. This is n...
Views: 1106   Replies: 40
Last Post: Mar 23, 2018 3:22pm
by Nicole
School-teaching is the most beggarly profession in the United States. No other calling that is presumed to require anything like the same amount of training and ability is so ill—paid. No other calling that is presumed to require a considerable mental...
Views: 497   Replies: 4
Last Post: Mar 15, 2018 8:22pm
by Phil
High School STEM Director
Ms. Laurie Greenwood is currently the STEM director at Melrose High. She is an amazing teacher and there is no doubt she is qualified for the position of an administrator, however, she has not performed very well recently. She is better in the classroom and many MHS...
Views: 749   Replies: 21
Last Post: Mar 15, 2018 7:38pm
by MHS
PWL finalist in Wilmington superintendent search
Have you read the Office of Civil Rights guilty finding on four counts against Melrose Public Schools? In the complaint it specifically names Patti White-Lambright as the person to investigate the complaint. The OCR found her guilty of conducting a deliberate, inept...
Views: 1552   Replies: 31
Last Post: Mar 15, 2018 4:59pm
by JC
Ask questions
It surprises me that it has gone this long that no one has asked questions into the sudden departure of the Head of Guidance. On the Personnel Report it states, resigned for personal reasons. He was Head of the Guidance Department. Doesn't say relocating, new positio...
Views: 659   Replies: 16
Last Post: Mar 1, 2018 11:04pm
by ???
Hoover Incident
Will someone please post Taymore's statement following Friday's horrible incident? Everyone needs to listen to the replay of public comment, particularly of the woman educator/Hoover parent who is an expert in social justice work and the gentleman who spoke (also...
Views: 4052   Replies: 88
Last Post: Mar 1, 2018 7:38pm
by ???
Is a savage.
If Gerry mroz does not get selected to represent ward 5 it just shows you the City doesn't want to truly improve our standing. He is engaged and very knowledgeable. He has guts and is not afraid to have a different opinion. I was so impressed with his presentation to...
Views: 327   Replies: 2
Last Post: Feb 27, 2018 3:43pm
by Stay Away
Another year of Taymore???
I heard Taymore got a year extension. Her last three year contract would have her leaving by June 30, 2018, this being her final year. So is it now 06-30-19? Please, please tell me it isn't so. :(
Views: 1405   Replies: 36
Last Post: Feb 24, 2018 11:17am
by paying the price
Principal Abilities
The Hoover School incident last week has ripped off the scab exposing the incompetence of the MPS Administrators and the MSC. I feel sorry for the MPD and the students who witnessed and internalized a scary situation. I feel sad for the Grandfather and his family w...
Views: 479   Replies: 1
Last Post: Feb 16, 2018 7:51pm
by Illegitimate May...
Watched some of the budget mtg Tues and heard Ms. Driscoll state she wanted to cut the remaining 5 paraprofessionals and hire a new administrator! I hope this did not pass!
Views: 21474   Replies: 306
Last Post: Feb 13, 2018 5:13pm
by weak
SC Flimflam
Watching the Nunes/Ryan/Trump obstruction scam job now being pulled in their desperation to conceal even worse crimes (treason, money-laundering, mideast gun-running via Kremlin oligarchs, gerry-mandering, campaign finance crimes, crooked real estate deals, etc., et...
Views: 423   Replies: 2
Last Post: Feb 5, 2018 6:25pm
by Repugnant
I just looked at the new MPS website and cannot find employment opportunities. The City of Melrose website also has Melrose city job openings but not the schools. Where should I look ? Thank you
Views: 334   Replies: 1
Last Post: Feb 5, 2018 10:08am
by An Apple for the...
Woman's March (Rally)
Heading out to the Rally on Cambridge Commons. Time for change in our country, city and our schools. One of our very own will be speaking there today, Liz DeSelm, the 2nd transgender person to be elected into office. Hope to see you there.
Views: 873   Replies: 15
Last Post: Feb 3, 2018 11:11am
by Clem
Message from Mayor Dolan
"Dear Colleagues, Due to the recently announced departure of the Lynnfield Town Administrator, an unanticipated and unique opportunity arose for me and my family. I chose to explore the position due to the professional opportunity it presents, and I am honored to...
Views: 3084   Replies: 54
Last Post: Jan 28, 2018 10:00pm
by Not Open All
SC Mtg Approval of Blizzard Bags and Hideous Display of RD Worship 1:30:00 This is how low things have gotten here.
Views: 488   Replies: 6
Last Post: Jan 27, 2018 5:33pm
by Dillon
Ultimate Shameful Hypocrisy: OCR-Condemned CT Tweets MLK Quote
How dare she! Cyndy Taymore Retweeted 5h5 hours ago “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.” - Martin Luther King, Jr. #mlkday...
Views: 527   Replies: 9
Last Post: Jan 18, 2018 8:59pm
by Uncivil
We Are Vulnerable
With Melrose citizens' rights to express their opinion or point of view at public meetings, don't ever think this can't happen here in Melrose with the likes of M Driscoll swinging the gavel around at school committee like a club.
Views: 292   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jan 10, 2018 7:53pm
by citizens unite
Mr. Babineau
Mr. Babineau passed away. If you knew him or had him for math, you would appreciate what a wonderful person he was. I had him for math and he made a difference in my life. I encourage everyone to look around and thank the people who made a difference in your lif...
Views: 407   Replies: 0
Last Post: Dec 18, 2017 6:12pm
by Hester
Melrose Teachers Furious at SC Deselm's Insults & Show up En Masse as MEA to Express Indignation
While Deselm apologized (as she should have for her stupidity and anti-teacher arrogance), what didn't get said is that Taymore is not a friend of the teachers, though she made herself out to be the good guy in this instance. CT is only out for herself and has caused...
Views: 619   Replies: 4
Last Post: Dec 16, 2017 2:03pm
by resident
MHS Football
Congratulations to the Melrose High School Football team for an undefeated season, League title, Thanksgiving Day Victory and State Title. Saturdays game was awesome. What a sense of community with the thousands of Melrose residents flocking to Gillette to support...
Views: 284   Replies: 2
Last Post: Dec 5, 2017 6:54pm
by we did it
Are the 2016 - 2017 Melrose MCAS scores that bad?
I see people referring to the recent MCAS scores being a disappointment for Melrose. Is this true? I looked at the state website and the scores didn't seem terrible. Is this people attacking everything Melrose or is there some truth there? Remember Melrose is not a...
Views: 459   Replies: 10
Last Post: Dec 1, 2017 4:46pm
by blame
Administration Makes Mockery of Time-in-Learning with Many Days of No School and Now Blizzard Bags
from today's Patch: "Melrose Schools Winter Schedule: So Many Days Off! MELROSE, MA — Good news for students, bad news for parents. A lot of school vacation days are on the horizon. Here's a look at the fall and winter school schedule: Wed., Nov. 22: Ea...
Views: 843   Replies: 15
Last Post: Dec 1, 2017 3:51pm
by KH
Lincoln Principal Will be Leaving
Either non-renewed or just leaving, but either way, too bad it took 3 years. She wasn't the least bit competent as could be seen clearly from the first Meet the Principal nights. Naturally the administration (like Joe C) could not admit another abysmal hire because t...
Views: 4320   Replies: 62
Last Post: Nov 13, 2017 6:36pm
by Prof. Correctipa...
Anyone but McAndrew
She is absent from Melrose Community Group Facebook discussions this time around. She must have realized that her pit bull tactics did her harm. Now she surrounds herself with yes women and sycophants only. She is still the same person though. She is just taking it u...
Views: 634   Replies: 19
Last Post: Nov 13, 2017 6:43pm
by Janet.
Melrose Dem Party and Current Candidates Repeatedly Violate Campaign Laws and Required to Pay Fine
A small but significant example of the contemptuous and despicable conduct of the local Dems, especially when it comes to state and federal laws. Take note that those in violation are current candidates and/or party officers. "Melrosee Dems Rack Up Campaign Financ...
Views: 208   Replies: 2
Last Post: Nov 6, 2017 4:44pm
by gross
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