Melrose Seniors Friendly Forum
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$7.7M ?? Sorry Ms. Mayor, but "we ain't got it"!
Views: 267   Replies: 14
Last Post: Jun 28, 2024 12:17am
by Old Crow
Happy New Year......oh. and by the's your property tax bill !!
Views: 111   Replies: 1
Last Post: May 3, 2024 6:24am
by Harry
Help save American democracy
Excellent advice from Robert Reich: "What can the rest of us do between now and the election to help save American democracy? Let me try out a few answers: Do everything within your power to ensure that Donald Trump is not re-elected president. For some of us,...
Views: 117   Replies: 4
Last Post: May 2, 2024 10:02am
by Harry
Ell Pond
Apparently $50,000 wasn't enough to completely eliminate the water chestnut "invasion" of Ell Pond. What a shame!
Views: 112   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 9, 2022 9:45pm
by Geezer
Congratulations !!!
Congratulations to Ketanji Brown Jackson !!
Views: 147   Replies: 2
Last Post: May 7, 2022 7:52am
by Geezer
Thank you!
Just wanted to say a quick thank you to "the City" for setting up the bulk trash barrel buy, to help we seniors save a few dollars. Every little bit helps. Thanks!
Views: 99   Replies: 0
Last Post: Mar 23, 2022 10:50pm
by Geezer
All right OG, et all, here’s a string that may go nowhere, but that’s ok, hopefully it will at least answer my question(s)! It’s called “oddities” because I didn’t know what else to call it. It’s just some small things I reme...
Views: 5623   Replies: 176
Last Post: Dec 1, 2021 7:28pm
by Geezer
Well, the saying is that any publicity is good publicity, and Melrose is certainly getting that! 😳
Views: 119   Replies: 3
Last Post: Nov 1, 2021 10:37pm
by Geezer
COVID-19 DELTA Variant
Have you got your Booster SHOT.?????
Views: 261   Replies: 2
Last Post: Oct 30, 2021 3:59pm
Everyone acts like everything is great because property values are high. But what if they weren't? And we're just one collapse away from that again. Today date is September 8 2021 coronavirus is a “serious threat to the people of Massachusetts, COVID-19 DELTA...
Views: 150   Replies: 3
Last Post: Sep 10, 2021 6:13am
by Geezer
Thank You
I never forget that the freedoms we have (a small one of which is our ability to express our sometimes very diverse opinions on this message board) were "paid for" by the ultimate sacrifice of so many that we were related to, knew of, or even, of course, didn't know....
Views: 142   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 2, 2021 11:07am
by Dennis
Hi Seniors, I wanted to tell you to vote by absentee ballot if you do not go to the poll the city can not mess with the absentee ballots. Thank you!!!
Views: 281   Replies: 9
Last Post: Aug 17, 2020 9:43am
by Geezer
Melrose COVID-19 Testing Extended 7 18 2020
MELROSE, MA - Drive-thru testing for COVID-19 will continue Saturday after hours-long wait times Friday. The testing will be in the same location from 1-6 p.m. If you do come, wear a mask and do not bring any pets. Results are expected within 48 hours.A medical worke...
Views: 126   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jul 17, 2020 9:12pm
by Saturday 7 18 20...
Melrose COVID-19 cases
One thing I wasn't clear on in tonight's message from the Mayor, is whether we ALL will be informed of when/where the 3 people who have tested positive have recently been, if they were indeed public places. Could someone clarify that for me? Thank you.
Views: 495   Replies: 16
Last Post: Jun 30, 2020 10:18pm
by Reports
Monica needs your vote tomorrow!
The REAL conservative leader in Melrose, Monica deserves your vote tomorrow for State Rep. Write in Write in “MONICA MEDEIROS, 3 BAY STATE ROAD, APT A, MELROSE, MA”. We have a plan!!!
Views: 207   Replies: 0
Last Post: Mar 2, 2020 2:39pm
by Monica for State...
Melrose's Rising Eagle Raises Eyebrows With Extra Fee
The Rising Eagle has landed in Melrose, but its unusual style has caught some off guard. A 5 percent fee has taken some shine off the opening of the anticipated downtown restaurant, but there's a reason for it, the owners said.
Views: 336   Replies: 10
Last Post: Feb 15, 2020 6:30pm
by Choices
Write in Monica Medeiros for State Rep!
She will run in the general election if she gets 150 write in ballots! She KNOWS how to get it done. Write in “MONICA MEDEIROS, 3 BAY STATE ROAD, APT A, MELROSE, MA”. Don’t put your faith in someone untested in with your head AND...
Views: 192   Replies: 2
Last Post: Feb 3, 2020 9:34am
by John
financial picture and an independent audit of our books.
Like our taxpayers, our leaders need a panoramic view before they make decisions that affect individuals so significantly. Financial forecasting in budgeting has been considered a best practice for more than a decade. Melrose can do better. Before any tax increase is...
Views: 179   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 12, 2020 9:54pm
by The Big Show
Beware of the 60 ish Year Old Man, Medium Height, Who is seen moving Shaws grocery trolley
Hey guys, there is this old thin man in his 60's who probably lives on West Wyoming Avenue but is seen walking on Willow St, Corey St and W.Forester street pushing Shaw carts is a violent alcoholic and substance abuser. Please be aware and if you see him walk away. T...
Views: 370   Replies: 8
Last Post: Dec 6, 2019 2:39pm
by Family & Probate...
Next Mayor November 5, 2019,
Melrose is a great city, and the next mayor will have a unique opportunity to build on that foundation and lead us into the future. Get out and VOTE TOMORROW....November 5, 2019, be proud of you city.
Views: 147   Replies: 0
Last Post: Nov 4, 2019 8:04pm
by Tamara
Get Out And Vote For The First Women Mayor Monica....she will do her job.
Do Not Let Them Bully You Again...It is our right to vote.
Views: 148   Replies: 0
Last Post: Nov 4, 2019 4:59pm
by Every vote count...
A “shout-out” thank you to Patty, for including a ‘special’ Seniors’ section on this message board, and to the current owners for continuing it. It’s been fun. Enjoy! Hi-yo Silver, away!
Views: 157   Replies: 0
Last Post: Oct 16, 2019 2:01pm
by Geezer
Who we voting for Tuesday and why?Mayor primary
Who we voting for Tuesday and why?Mayor primary on September 17 2019. This will be the first primary we've ever had for Mayor.City of Melrose
Views: 270   Replies: 5
Last Post: Oct 14, 2019 1:38pm
by voting for Monic...
Retail store cap
So the MA General Laws will allow the City of Melrose to cap the number of recreational marijuana sellers at two (actually could be one), but we can have a ‘nail salon’ on every corner. Whatever happened to whatever the market wil bear?
Views: 672   Replies: 16
Last Post: Jul 6, 2019 11:29am
by same owner
water and sewer rates increases
It’s interesting the water and sewer rates increases will be recommended on April 30, 2019. Four weeks after the special election. Apparently the city doesn’t want residents to be thinking about the increase water& sewer rates.
Views: 352   Replies: 8
Last Post: Apr 22, 2019 10:28pm
by learn
So get out and make your vote matter. April 2 2019 .Vote ON APRIL 2 2019
So get out and make your vote matter. April 2 2019 .Vote ON APRIL 2 2019
Views: 254   Replies: 5
Last Post: Apr 2, 2019 12:17pm
by Yup
Council on Aging cuts
If the override fails, current published budget cuts include: Council on Aging: Cut $48,214 * Limit Milano Center hours to 8am-1pm (no afternoon programs) * Cut COA Minibus transportation by 70% * Reduce volunteer coordinator hours to 2 hrs/wk Not a scare...
Views: 246   Replies: 2
Last Post: Apr 2, 2019 6:45am
by I'm serious
Send this Override Overboard!
There is power in numbers. A group of citizens agreeing to run as a slate for both boards, giving each other the strength and wisdom base (since there is a steep learning curve), would begin to fix things. Melrose does not need more of the current batch of clones....
Views: 430   Replies: 8
Last Post: Apr 1, 2019 8:32pm
by vote NO!
It’s interesting the water and sewer rates increases will be recommended on April 30, 2019.
It’s interesting the water and sewer rates increases will be recommended on April 30, 2019. Four weeks after the special election. Apparently the city doesn’t want residents to be thinking about the increase water& sewer rates as they head into the specia...
Views: 386   Replies: 9
Last Post: Mar 31, 2019 7:25pm
by (N)one Worse
Just curious
I visit this board almost every day, although I have not lived or visited Melrose in many years. I was wondering if anyone in the senior population knows or remembers Phil Madden? He was a Melrose police officer who I suspect has long since retired. He and I we...
Views: 526   Replies: 5
Last Post: Mar 4, 2019 9:46am
by the Google Machi...
The Melrose Taxpayers'
You can learn more in the coming weeks. The Melrose Taxpayers' Alliance will be educating you with accurate, factual information to help you make the right choice in the April 2nd election. This is an important vote, so be sure and make your decision based on facts,...
Views: 372   Replies: 3
Last Post: Feb 27, 2019 7:26am
by NO
Cemetery signs
The cemetery "street signs" that were installed over the summer are a nice touch. Now I'll be able to give my relatives an 'intersection location' of where I'll be spending eternity!
Views: 324   Replies: 5
Last Post: Feb 25, 2019 7:04am
by Geezer (the real...
Specifically, what will this override money be used for?
Views: 400   Replies: 6
Last Post: Dec 7, 2018 3:08pm
by Strong
Question 1
"Nurses say No" "Nurses say YES" Thank heavens it's not confusing! Now the latest is that "all hospitals say NO". That sounds pretty convincing, until you remember that hospitals are indeed for-profit businesses, as much as we sometimes hate to admit it! Oh well...
Views: 614   Replies: 26
Last Post: Nov 24, 2018 5:05pm
Just stop!
Maybe I have forgotten the “mechanics” involved, but why wouldn’t the man recently arrested for “performing a sexual act on himself” in his car at the Wyoming Cemetery, upon seeing the police approaching, just stop???
Views: 241   Replies: 1
Last Post: Nov 20, 2018 1:12pm
by Legal
Thank You
To my fellow senior (and younger if it applies)veterans, Thank You for your service.
Views: 271   Replies: 3
Last Post: Nov 14, 2018 6:56pm
by Fossil
Score a touchdown, hand the ball to an official, and walk off the field. These 'choreographed' touchdown celebrations have gotten sickening (change the channel or turn away from the tv sickening). You did your job, what you get paid for. Enough already. Do you want y...
Views: 245   Replies: 0
Last Post: Oct 28, 2018 10:00pm
by Geezer
Welcome Back, dear Melrose Seniors!
In honor of our late Patricia Wright and Bob Snow, we're resurrecting this message board. We've trimmed some of the categories to those most important to the community, so of course YOUR forum must remain! Happy Fall!
Views: 224   Replies: 1
Last Post: Oct 17, 2018 1:37pm
by Geezer
Happy New Year!
To all my friends "out there" (and even to people I don't know!) I hope you have a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year! (And if you can find a channel that has a ball drop at 10 PM for people like me who can't make it `til midnight any more, let me know :grinning: )
Views: 265   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 1, 2018 9:48am
Ethan Weiss
As such a scholar like myself, I recommend that all parents go back to MHS AND TAKE THE SEX ED CLASS!!!
Views: 451   Replies: 5
Last Post: Sep 23, 2017 4:42pm
by too late baby
25 mph
For a "fun" time, try driving the new speed limit for a while on Lebanon or Upham Streets, and then pull over and count how many people give you the finger!
Views: 612   Replies: 28
Last Post: Sep 5, 2017 1:28pm
by Geezer
The Ship
On a lighter note (and not in Melrose), I've noticed that the words "DEMO" that were painted on The Ship on Rte 1 recently have been removed, or painted over. Is anyone aware if the developer of the area is making an effort to save this one of the rapidly disappearin...
Views: 251   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 30, 2017 7:44am
by Anchors Away!
Dunkin' Donuts
So I walk into Dunks on LynnFells Pkwy the other morning and step up to the counter to order my coffee and there is a server training a new server. She states to the effect that they do not give Seniors a discount on products unless they ask for it. WHAT? There is al...
Views: 386   Replies: 5
Last Post: Jun 13, 2017 1:32pm
by M10
Not sure where this came from, but does anyone else remember going to Buttricks for ice cream?
Views: 280   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 10, 2017 5:08am
by Geezer
Senior Citizen Day at the Park - Tuesday, May 9th, 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
The Mt. Hood Park Association announces its 5th annual “Senior Citizen Day at Park” to be held at the clubhouse at Mount Hood on Tuesday, May 9th from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Come join us at beautiful Mount Hood Memorial Park & Golf Course and enjoy the day...
Views: 228   Replies: 1
Last Post: May 18, 2017 7:48am
by Successful Event
RE taxes
My tax bill says the due date is 5/3, but the Mayor's blog says the final day for payment is 5/1. Which day is it? I only ask because I pay it on the day, until then it's MY money!
Views: 330   Replies: 6
Last Post: Apr 20, 2017 9:53am
by Geezer
Click Reduction #15
So what's goin' on guys and girls?
Views: 448   Replies: 12
Last Post: Feb 10, 2017 6:05am
by Geezer
December 25th
Merry Christmas to my "senior friends" (who have lately been conspicuous by there absence on here [:)]!). I hope all is well with you and your families.
Views: 291   Replies: 5
Last Post: Jan 1, 2017 10:51pm
Hard to believe that it was 15 years ago.
Views: 253   Replies: 0
Last Post: Sep 11, 2016 10:26am
by Geezer
Web Site Back Up
Ok! Website back up!
Views: 347   Replies: 9
Last Post: Sep 8, 2016 9:57pm
by Geezer
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