Melrose Cares: Open Community Dialogue

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SchoolSpring MVMMS 2 Science Teachers,30 Wondering if this is connected to some sort of deal worked out with the 2 middle school science/tech teachers each of whom were "investigated" (yeah, right!) after charges of "inappropriate" (as in...
Views: 296   Replies: 1
Last Post: Apr 16, 2016 11:51am
by Slash School $
The AD, PR is retiring at the end of the academic year. Why is she out in San Diego at the "Safe Steps" conference with the SpEd Director and MAAV's Mooney? I'm assuming a grant is paying the travel, hotel and per diem costs. RM and PW-L SHOULD be sponsored. But i...
Views: 450   Replies: 6
Last Post: Apr 15, 2016 9:13am
by Disgusted
Coalition Meeting
Melrose Messages Friends: I have set up the first coalition meeting to begin our fight to bring back Melrose. The meeting is to be held at Friendly's in Stoneham Friday at noon. I have reserved the first booth on the left. If 5 of us actually exist the manager...
Views: 515   Replies: 13
Last Post: Apr 14, 2016 10:20pm
by Winchester
Colleen Murphy's excellent letter to the Free Press
Colleen Murphy wrote the most amazing letter to the Free Press calling out the MEF parents who issued their "Together for Melrose" mandate last week. Hopefully the letter will also appear in the free paper tomorrow because it is the best written account of everythin...
Views: 4368   Replies: 110
Last Post: Apr 14, 2016 12:39pm
by Melrose Resident
Maribeth Darwin's Feigned Ignorance
Re-posting because her letter is not Colleen Murphy's letter Your pretend wide eyed please-explain to me act is reprehensible because I know you're not that stupid. It's dishonest. Maybe you didn't go to college because if you did, you would realize that colle...
Views: 1164   Replies: 34
Last Post: Apr 13, 2016 2:50pm
by Finally!
Storm Coming
as a person who works inside of the highschool and middle school i can say that the feather change is detremental in the long run. Remeber its the athletes and students mascot. The murmer around campus from what i can pick up is that there will be pushback from the s...
Views: 714   Replies: 8
Last Post: Apr 11, 2016 3:33pm
by resident
Are Murphy's facts correct?
The leading bullet of Colleen Murphy’s letter reads as follows: “The decline in college matriculation rates. As Ms. Kourkoumelis pointed out in her evaluation, in 2005-6, 95.9% of Melrose High School graduates attended either 4-year or 2-year colleges....
Views: 551   Replies: 24
Last Post: Apr 10, 2016 4:37pm
by Some more number...
Storm Coming
as a person who works inside of the highschool and middle school i can say that the feather change is detremental in the long run. Remeber its the athletes and students mascot. The murmer around campus from what i can pick up is that there will be pushback from the s...
Views: 373   Replies: 3
Last Post: Apr 9, 2016 8:16pm
by Agree
Superintendent Taymore to Change State Name
Have you heard yet - it is still a rumor but from a reliable source. Since Ms. Taymore has been successful in changing the school district logo - getting rid of the dreamcatcher - she has been discussing with a select group the possibility of changing our state name...
Views: 330   Replies: 6
Last Post: Apr 8, 2016 4:45pm
by Please
Jumping to Conclusions at the Middle School
This is in regards to the latest email about an infraction at the middle school. Don't jump to conclusions that something happened. The thought in the email is for the people of Melrose not to jump to conclusions based on rumor. Administration will come forward af...
Views: 834   Replies: 13
Last Post: Apr 6, 2016 11:02pm
by the kids are al...
Let's Make a List
There are so many threads on this site linked to the schools, now Colleen's letter, the newest middle school investigation. I've also seen a few people saying stop complaining, what would you do? So how about if on this thread post the top 5 things you would do to...
Views: 1013   Replies: 24
Last Post: Apr 6, 2016 9:54pm
by Heinous Mole?
Most recent email from Middle School
It seems as if every week we receive a new message from the Middle Scool about a new issue. The one tonight just seems to add to the already uncomfortable community this school is living in. What is happening here and how can this city fix it????
Views: 1403   Replies: 32
Last Post: Apr 5, 2016 8:56am
by Minuteman
To all of you helicopter parents who have nothing better to do than blow every single thing that goes on at your children's schools completely out of proportion, WE ARE ALL FINE. There is nothing happening at any Melrose schools that is not happening at every...
Views: 697   Replies: 21
Last Post: Apr 4, 2016 4:41pm
by Nope
Complete Joke
What is going on with the "Not" Melrose Free Press. It's not even a news paper. Its 30 pages of garbage stories, ads, and articles about schools and kids outside of Melrose with 1 or 2 local stories sprinkled in. Who cares about a kid from Saugus playing for MC, o...
Views: 1059   Replies: 37
Last Post: Apr 3, 2016 7:20pm
by patricia wright
Middle school is a nightmare
This issue is just the latest in a school that has no direction, no supervision and absolutely no accountability. Every week we parents, receive a new email about different concerns, intimidations, rumors, sexual exploits of minors that we are to be made aware only...
Views: 714   Replies: 8
Last Post: Apr 1, 2016 7:24pm
by Concerned
Current Job Postings, Erosion and Eventual Destruction of Fine and Performing Arts Department
Public Postings Date Job Title School/Site Mar 17 Paraprofessionals - long term substitute (2) Melrose High School Mar 8 World History Grade 8 Long Term Substitute Teacher Melrose Veterans Memorial Middle School Mar 8 Nurse - CAMPUS KIDS -- Various -- Ma...
Views: 768   Replies: 14
Last Post: Apr 1, 2016 10:56am
by parent
Honest question. What deems the METCO program a success or not?
Views: 1113   Replies: 31
Last Post: Mar 31, 2016 11:42am
by Reality
Please explain for the rest of us
As a long time Melrose resident, I'd like to understand the issues being discussed in these threads, but it seems I've come late enough to the conversations here that it's hard to figure out what the underlying issues and facts actually are. So I'd like to ask...
Views: 873   Replies: 16
Last Post: Mar 29, 2016 12:08am
by Guessing Here
Budget Farce Being Perpetrated by Administration
From the this week's Free Press: "Among the tools available to the School Committee is the option to raise fees. On Tuesday, the committee voted to increase tuition at the Franklin Early Childhood Center by 8 percent, a move projected to bring in roughly $112,000...
Views: 583   Replies: 11
Last Post: Mar 28, 2016 5:06pm
by Good Question
Lack of Communication Examples
During the recent SC meeting the topic of communication was discussed yet again. I just don't understand how this school system can be so inept at simple communication. As a parent, I have received several emails regarding the career fair tonight at the Middle Scho...
Views: 1351   Replies: 21
Last Post: Mar 26, 2016 4:17pm
by Mom
Chairperson Driscoll Doesn't Believe the Pubic Has a Right to Know!
School Committee Chair, Margaret Driscoll, has informed this author, in a recent email, that the public has no right to know the details of any school senior staff decision or to question them since she claims by law, prevents the public from knowing the intimate det...
Views: 542   Replies: 14
Last Post: Mar 25, 2016 1:43pm
by Duggan is Inappr...
Craziest Yet: SC re Taymore Award
School Committee meeting last night: @ 2:45:00 Absolutely nuts Complete with choking up and tears. You'd think this woman should receive a Nobel instead of the door! This is the School Committee response to Mrs. Kourkoumelis' c...
Views: 921   Replies: 28
Last Post: Mar 25, 2016 1:40pm
by Over-compensatin...
Campaign Finances re Failed Yes Campaign So Linda O gave $1,000 Dolan's campaign gave "in-kind" printing etc. etc. No mystery about who is connected to whom and this link is just for the pre-election report
Views: 334   Replies: 4
Last Post: Mar 25, 2016 1:32pm
by Frank
Taymore Award
Cyndy Taymore got an award from her "Super" Colleagues. Now, I have heard everything! NUTS! Political agenda behind this action is multifaceted and questionable.
Views: 1199   Replies: 46
Last Post: Mar 25, 2016 10:30am
by Nah
Watched the Mayor pontificate endlessly (again) about the school budget at last night's SC meeting. Especially interesting to me was his contention that health care costs will rise by 9% this year. Is he pulling numbers out of his butt again? According to GIC, the...
Views: 814   Replies: 8
Last Post: Mar 24, 2016 3:26pm
by MFD
Superintendent Taymore for her resignation due to her illegal actions in the OCR case.
Superintendent Taymore for her resignation due to her illegal actions in the OCR as example .School Committee meeting last night: @ 2:45:00
Views: 314   Replies: 2
Last Post: Mar 23, 2016 10:40pm
by Department
Warehousing our Students
I would like to make the community aware of a terrible situation at the high school. There is a lot of absenteeism among the teachers and not enough substitute teachers for whatever reason. They take a large number of classes and put them all simultaneously in the...
Views: 894   Replies: 19
Last Post: Mar 23, 2016 5:48am
by The Truth
Carrie Resigns!
Views: 1645   Replies: 38
Last Post: Mar 18, 2016 11:13am
by Beyond Absurd
Public Hearing on SC budget in violation of Mass State Laws...Again
For the second year in a row, the Melrose School Committee is in violation of MGL Ch 71, Section 38N, which requires "A PUBLIC HEARING in which ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE REQUIRED TO BE HEARD FOR OR AGAINST THE WHOLE OR ANY PART OF THE PROPOSED BUDGET". Being require...
Views: 407   Replies: 11
Last Post: Mar 17, 2016 5:45am
by ???
Newton North and Catholic Memorial
Newton North and Catholic Memorial administrators responded appropriately and well to the incidents at the playoff game. They didn't blame only the Catholic Memorial students for their slurs. They acknowledged Newton North students were also to blame and shared respo...
Views: 389   Replies: 7
Last Post: Mar 15, 2016 3:43pm
by sausagefest
School Committee Must Resign
The only thing the School Committee members must do now is to admit they failed to protect children. They need to resign.
Views: 815   Replies: 22
Last Post: Mar 15, 2016 10:14am
by MFD
Boston Sunday Globe Article - March 13th
Did you read the article in today's Boston Globe - North Section - on CKK's resignation? Taymore was quoted and of course our illustrious, "I hear voices", Chairwoman, Margaret Driscoll, was also quoted - She said that she wanted to see "constructive dialogue" and we...
Views: 331   Replies: 0
Last Post: Mar 13, 2016 8:35am
by MFD
Kraunelis Appeals to Secretary of State Galvin
After attempting to contact the Mayor and the City Solicitor and being stonewalled (gee there's a surprise), Jason Kraunelis has appealed to the Secretary of State Van Campen's ruling that Jaime McCallister Grande should be sworn in as CKK's replacement. I would o...
Views: 513   Replies: 18
Last Post: Mar 13, 2016 12:13am
by Leather couch
Thanks, Melrose!
I happened to watch a rerun of the Saturday SC meeting, mostly because I was bored out of my mind and had literally nothing else to do. The Mayor made a comment at one point about the changing demographic in Melrose, in that it now reflects major increases in the 35...
Views: 415   Replies: 10
Last Post: Mar 8, 2016 6:50pm
Is anyone else watchung the school committee meeting on TV right now?? Pure bullshi+. Trying to make themselves look good, competent. HA. What a joke. What a disgrace.
Views: 723   Replies: 20
Last Post: Mar 7, 2016 2:49pm
by Next crisis
High School Girls Win First Tournament Game
The Melrose Girls High School basketball team has won its first game of the tournament. The girls are playing awesome ball and the coaches are doing a wonderful job. This is a real team playing together and getting superb instruction from the coach. Come out and chee...
Views: 342   Replies: 12
Last Post: Mar 4, 2016 11:40pm
by Melrose High Gir...
A Glimmer of Hope Perhaps?
I have to give credit where credit is due. Seeing EOC step up in opposition to closing public participation after that lunatic chair shut down GM was somewhat encouraging.
Views: 647   Replies: 10
Last Post: Mar 2, 2016 7:04pm
by Please explain
Proposed new date for School Committee Meetng
We've been getting feedback that the March date is not good for a lot of people. We are currently working towards February 27. Nothing is set in stone yet but please keep your schedules clear.
Views: 322   Replies: 2
Last Post: Mar 2, 2016 6:43pm
by MFD
Middle School lunchroom fight
I understand that yet another ugly incident occurred at the middle school on Friday. Punches were thrown, lunch people were caught in the middle tying to break it up and the school day was disrupted. The girls involved in the fight were in classes the rest of the day...
Views: 678   Replies: 9
Last Post: Feb 29, 2016 10:07pm
by The law
The Super of the MPS is quoted in the Boston Globe article (OCR Resolution Response) that the remarks at the center of the Justice Department investigation were not "Overtly Derogatory". The Boston Globe article is an embarrassment to Melrose. Taymore's statement a...
Views: 1740   Replies: 28
Last Post: Feb 28, 2016 9:14am
by Bottom Line
School Committee and Super Fail at Defending Themselves September 8 School Committee meeting Apparently they go by the playbook that a good defense is a strong offense. These people succeed at being offensive. They fail when it comes to what's legal, ethical and moral. These administrativ...
Views: 1209   Replies: 24
Last Post: Feb 27, 2016 10:33am
by To Bob Snow
SC Chair Thorpe back to bullying again
More nastiness from the queen of anti-transparency and bullying at the school committee meeting on September 15th. Once again, Ms. Thorpe takes to bullying a fellow Melrosian who oddly enough, was requesting of the the school committee to stop bullying and be polit...
Views: 521   Replies: 6
Last Post: Feb 27, 2016 8:06am
by LM
Point to 1/2 days?
I'm confused, what is the point of the 1/2 days once per month? Today, it's my understanding that on-team teachers at the middle school were out all day. I thought the purpose of the 1/2 days once per month was to provide team planning and collaboration. This...
Views: 563   Replies: 12
Last Post: Feb 26, 2016 2:19pm
by bob snow
I listened to the School Comittee meeting last night and heard part of what the Mayor was saying about GIC increases because of budget restraints due to override fail. Did anyone listen to entire meeting? I may have heard wrong. Thank you
Views: 356   Replies: 6
Last Post: Feb 24, 2016 7:41pm
by Willie
Melrose handles almost every potentially litigious situation badly
Costly to every citizen in Melrose! From a posting today: Famous Feb 17, 2016 - 10:20AM Re: What kind of school system Does Melrose want. Apparently, Melrose wants the kind of school system that is famous across the state. I had dinner with some lawyer fri...
Views: 466   Replies: 7
Last Post: Feb 24, 2016 5:17pm
by yup
Juxtapose Boston events w/ Melrose Events and the Path to a Just Resolution Should Be Clear
Substitute what has happened in Melrose and it's easy to see what should happen and what must happen if anything is going to start getting better here. portions of an article from today's Globe:
Views: 330   Replies: 3
Last Post: Feb 22, 2016 2:31pm
by ugh
Excellent Letters to Editor Calling for Resignation of Superintendent
Was so glad to see the articulate letters in both papers calling for the immediate resignation of the superintendent as a result of the grotesque mismanagement of civil rights cases in the schools. Along with her should go the city solicitor, the asst. superintendent...
Views: 760   Replies: 14
Last Post: Feb 21, 2016 3:30pm
by MFD
Superintendent Hired PR Firm/Spinmaster for 10K without School Committee Authorization
Just another administrative outrage. CT hired Guilfoil (police department spinmaster with former MFP journalist Sacco) without ever going to her boss (the SC) first, as was made clear in Tuesday's School Committee meeting. So while the budget hysteria is getting whip...
Views: 462   Replies: 10
Last Post: Feb 21, 2016 3:21pm
by Bob Snow
School Committee - Tuesday, March 9th
Every resident should take the the time to view school committee meetings at MMTV if they can't make the meetings in person. It is an absolute "educational" experience to see just how dysfunctional our school committee is and how undemocratic it is run by the current...
Views: 830   Replies: 20
Last Post: Feb 21, 2016 8:57am
by Disagree
Crazy Legal Bills & Deflection
School Comm Feb 9th Check this out, starting page 69 from last night's School Committee meeting: $75,767.38 NUTTALL, MACAVOY & JOYCE legal bills...
Views: 881   Replies: 26
Last Post: Feb 18, 2016 2:12pm
by Truly
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