Melrose Cares: Open Community Dialogue

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Send this Override Overboard!
There is power in numbers. A group of citizens agreeing to run as a slate for both boards, giving each other the strength and wisdom base (since there is a steep learning curve), would begin to fix things. Melrose does not need more of the current batch of clones....
Views: 1681   Replies: 43
Last Post: Apr 2, 2019 9:37am
by Dangerous Bluff ...
Time to vote
Just vote tomorrow so glad this override is over.. melrose is broken because of it.. cast you ballots and end the garbage.. this is the true colors of Melrose? Hence why we have voting!!!
Views: 130   Replies: 2
Last Post: Apr 1, 2019 10:20pm
Time to decide
Left Twix or right Twix... I just can't decide....
Views: 153   Replies: 0
Last Post: Apr 1, 2019 10:14pm
by Almost
One Melrose pins in city hall
You really ask people when they go in how they vote? Where is the ethics committee?
Views: 179   Replies: 0
Last Post: Apr 1, 2019 9:58pm
by One Melrose
Improper Campaigning
You have two signs on public property please remove them. Thank you!
Views: 186   Replies: 0
Last Post: Apr 1, 2019 9:56pm
by One Melrose
First post in a while. I apoligize in advance for any spelling/grammer errors. Prop 2-1/2 overides are by there very nature contentious; other than the same dozen MM dingbats with a million phony names, most folks on either side of debate have been quite civil about...
Views: 137   Replies: 1
Last Post: Apr 1, 2019 8:49pm
by April 2 2019 Tue...
So get out and make your vote matter. April 2 2019 .Vote ON APRIL 2 2019
So get out and make your vote matter. April 2 2019 .
Views: 170   Replies: 0
Last Post: Apr 1, 2019 8:26pm
by April 2 2019 Tue...
Vote NO
Please remember to get to the polls on Tues. Vote NO to save endless dollars wasted in our city. Extra Dollars taken directly from your pocket every year with no accountability.
Views: 308   Replies: 12
Last Post: Apr 1, 2019 5:29pm
by Yup
Come and see
I welcome everyone to the Melrose Tax Payers alliance Facebook page.. please read the insults, threats and just out right garbage. I post for over a dozen people because of fear and intimidation.. Please go read... absolutely shameful. You say community I call you...
Views: 285   Replies: 7
Last Post: Apr 1, 2019 7:24am
by Agreed
Override... Some stats and information and questions
Override failed and the school ranked higher on testing the following year. Not going to keep beating the dead horse there but is is important. It shows how large the picture is. Pay increases across the country, 2.9%..3%..The override calls for 6% that is unjusti...
Views: 1219   Replies: 39
Last Post: Mar 30, 2019 4:32pm
by Melrose Taxpayer...
Alternate Facts Don’t Cut It in Melrose Alternate Facts Don’t Cut It in Melrose Carrie Kourkoumelis, Melrose School Committee member 2010–2016 Once again Melrose is enduring a divisive override campaign geared t...
Views: 1399   Replies: 46
Last Post: Mar 30, 2019 4:29pm
by Gat the facts
Override Forum
A Schools Override Forum will be held on 2-28. Questions can be submitted ahead of time but “live” questions will be taken. Another flawed process. The attempts to control will backfire. The topics and emphasis have already been decided. Cherry picking th...
Views: 1541   Replies: 42
Last Post: Mar 30, 2019 4:10pm
by Gat the facts
Specifically, what will this override money be used for?
Views: 2041   Replies: 47
Last Post: Mar 30, 2019 4:04pm
by Versace
Let's skip all the charts and fancy words for once. Let's get down to the basics. Information and evidence has been provided to the community and the board that spending more money per student does not mean better outcomes, examples Wakefield and Watertown. Comparing...
Views: 835   Replies: 30
Last Post: Mar 30, 2019 3:32pm
Override of course
Using scare tactics to get people to vote for the override makes me want to vote for it even less. Saying they will cut ALL paraprofessionals,(which are horribly paid and always have been even in good budget times) gym, art, music, etc from the schools is far-fetched...
Views: 7105   Replies: 148
Last Post: Mar 30, 2019 3:13pm
by Balance
It's Ok To Vote No, Melrose Taxpayers Alliance fighting for fiscal responsibility
From Patch: It's Ok To Vote No Melrose Taxpayers Alliance fighting for fiscal responsibility By Melrose Taxpayers Alliance, Patch Poster | Jan 16, 2019 7:34 pm ET The "Welcome to Melrose" sign beckons to residents and visitors, and we should be proud to live in...
Views: 1328   Replies: 38
Last Post: Mar 30, 2019 3:09pm
by Matter
A neighbor’s response to “It’s OK to vote No”
From Patch: A neighbor’s response to “It’s OK to vote No” Understand the history and purpose of Proposition 2 1/2, the facts about overrides and speak with your neighbors before making your decision By Victoria Ippolito, Patch Poster I Jan....
Views: 2570   Replies: 64
Last Post: Mar 30, 2019 3:05pm
by Predictions
If you won't let your husband see the kids then he should not give you money to feed them.
If you won't allow me to have interactions with them why would I logically give You money (I'd give money to them directly, too bad I cant). Either I see and care for them whilst also feeding and educating them or you do the same, but if I don't get involved then...
Views: 143   Replies: 1
Last Post: Mar 30, 2019 1:37pm
by I'm serious
If you won't let your husband see the kids then he should not give you money to feed them.
If you won't allow me to have interactions with them why would I logically give You money (I'd give money to them directly, too bad I cant). Either I see and care for them whilst also feeding and educating them or you do the same, but if I don't get involved then...
Views: 155   Replies: 0
Last Post: Mar 30, 2019 12:36pm
by The Truthsayer
MCG Comments
The One Melrose Yes folks are so fearful about another blowout loss they are allowing Override Comments on the MCG Facebook again. Voting No!
Views: 245   Replies: 3
Last Post: Mar 28, 2019 9:52am
by Disgusted
Fat, dumb and happy city hall
Below is an impressive laundry list of all the ways the schools have made cuts and improved efficiency. Where is the City's list? What have they done to reduce waste and improve efficiency? Seems to me that City Hall has imposed all the burden on the schools while ke...
Views: 274   Replies: 5
Last Post: Mar 28, 2019 9:00am
by WTF
MCG Comments
The One Melrose Yes folks are so fearful about another blowout loss they are allowing Override Comments on the MCG Facebook again. Voting No!
Views: 163   Replies: 1
Last Post: Mar 27, 2019 10:30pm
by Bewildered
Health Insurance
Both political parties were thrown off guard yesterday when the vindictive and insane Trump began new efforts to kill health insurance. 52 million people have a pre-existing condition. Anyone in your family? Cancer, diabetes, sleep apnea, thyroid disease, ms, lupus,...
Views: 237   Replies: 5
Last Post: Mar 27, 2019 10:53am
by Moron
One Melrose
When you have no facts you resort to insults, threats and intimidation and now slander haha. What type of people use kids as political leverage? What kind of people threaten violence over a vote in the community.. Grow up and get some real facts. Stop neglecting the...
Views: 461   Replies: 11
Last Post: Mar 25, 2019 9:08pm
by Another Dem No
Mayor's Blog inside the budget part 9
These are excerpts from the Mayor's blog "Inside the Budget, Part 9". People often ask me what sort of oversight there is on the city budget? As a matter of fact, the City of Melrose budget is reviewed by multiple officials from local, state, and federal agencies, as...
Views: 219   Replies: 7
Last Post: Mar 22, 2019 11:50pm
by Fire and Police
The Usual Melrose Solution
According to the Massachusetts Taxpayers Association’s annual report as reported in the Melrose Weekly News 3/15) , property override attempts are at a 30-year low as cities and towns have roughly doubled their total savings over the past ten years and have tri...
Views: 236   Replies: 4
Last Post: Mar 22, 2019 11:29pm
by Jack Shay
Today’s Economic News is concerning Google “inverted yield curve signals recession” Voting NO on the Override!
Views: 169   Replies: 3
Last Post: Mar 22, 2019 10:06pm
by Hot
City Owes Residents Details Behind Dire Budget Projections
This is a perfectly constructed response to the hysteria of the fact-challenged Yes side. And, by the way, there are plenty of "solutions" embedded and directly stated in the requests of the override questioners (another classic Dolan smear is to imply that no solut...
Views: 266   Replies: 5
Last Post: Mar 19, 2019 10:02pm
by Remember VuVu?
Can anyone from One Melrose explain to me why there are no plans for Beebe. Did the SC say this because this is what people want to hear ? Too many uncertainties for this family. Voting NO
Views: 302   Replies: 4
Last Post: Mar 19, 2019 8:24pm
by No
Bogus Number
Thank you, Alderman Monica Medeiros. "Try as I might, I could not seem to match the “Visual Budget” figures to the actual budgets I had voted on. Days later, Kerriann Golden, our Assistant Auditor confirmed, “The last actual figures reflected are Fi...
Views: 186   Replies: 0
Last Post: Mar 18, 2019 6:34pm
by Incompetent City...
Fiscal Realities
The most incompetent, unstable and vindictive “leader” in our country’s history released his Budget this week. Major reductions in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the Department of Education and the Environmental Protection Agency. Voters must...
Views: 325   Replies: 6
Last Post: Mar 18, 2019 11:53am
by Melrose Myths
Water & Sewer
It’s interesting the water and sewer rates increases will be recommended on April 30, 2019. Four weeks after the special election. Apparently the city doesn’t want residents to be thinking about the increase water& sewer rates as they head into the speci...
Views: 318   Replies: 4
Last Post: Mar 17, 2019 11:06pm
by Melrose Taxpayer...
Override proponents issue threats
Folks, these are angry, sick people whom the proponents of this override have fueled with their fanatical misrepresentations and threatening rhetoric. Pay attention and stand strong against this! One ugly sampling of what was posted yesterday on FB: Ryan Medina...
Views: 216   Replies: 2
Last Post: Mar 17, 2019 12:38pm
by Re: Really
It's my understanding that the ECC costs the City a ton of money every year. Why doesn't the City stop administering the ECC, lease the building, or a portion of the building to a for profit child care center and allow them to run the program, pay rent and commercial...
Views: 246   Replies: 3
Last Post: Mar 15, 2019 3:28pm
by Agree Bebee
Increase water& sewer rates as they head into the special election on April 2. 2019
It’s interesting the water and sewer rates increases will be recommended on April 30, 2019. Four weeks after the special election. Apparently the city doesn’t want residents to be thinking about the increase water& sewer rates as they head into the specia...
Views: 288   Replies: 5
Last Post: Mar 15, 2019 7:14am
by G1
Teachers are paid too much
Public school teachers in the United States earn a median income around $56,000 per year. This is far too HIGH.
Views: 535   Replies: 3
Last Post: Mar 12, 2019 3:44pm
by Fake
US DOE Office of Civil Rights Findings Document, January 2016
UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS, REGION I 5 POST OFFICE SQUARE. 8TH FLOOR BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02109-3921 Re: OCR Complaint No. 01-14-1259 Melrose Public Schools This letter is to inform you that the U.S. Department of Educa...
Views: 298   Replies: 3
Last Post: Mar 8, 2019 7:54pm
by Heartbreaking
So on the FB group MMCG residents are ranting and raving and insulting people about the POT shop and the roundabout! Why are there NO post allowed on anything pertaining to the override Hmm makes you wonder! Lets keep everything quiet.
Views: 246   Replies: 0
Last Post: Mar 6, 2019 2:11pm
by Wondering
Wasting Tax Payer Money Again
$35,00 down the drain for this farce of a special election. A rotary on Green Street that will eliminate 9 parking spaces. That's it Melrose, don't support your businesses, just keep building condos, apartment buildings and wasting tax payers money. 3 No votes in thi...
Views: 296   Replies: 4
Last Post: Mar 5, 2019 8:57pm
by Do Nothing GI
Embarrassing FELON
Today's Free Press shares SC Member O' Connell's opinion that the school budget is an "embarrassment and underfunded". What is truly embarrassing is that Ed was elected to the SC after stealing from senior citizens investments and retirement accounts. He was convict...
Views: 773   Replies: 7
Last Post: Mar 4, 2019 10:35pm
by Discover Melrose...
Need for Additional School Funding through Override is Very Clear
From Patch: Need for Additional School Funding through Override is Very Clear The Melrose Puiblic Schools have had to educate our children with a dramatically smaller budget than its peers. By: John McLaughlin Jr., Patch Poster I Feb 14, 2019 9:51 AM ET By every...
Views: 1015   Replies: 31
Last Post: Mar 2, 2019 10:53pm
by Balance
Seriously One Melrose - Larchmont Road?
Need I say more? The Flyers you send out speak for themselves. You are completely out of touch with Melrose. And worst of all you advertise that!!!!! Last week, you send my college student a flyer from a young family who just purchased their house for $700+. This...
Views: 288   Replies: 3
Last Post: Mar 2, 2019 11:10am
Flourishing Melrose Schools
Once again Taymore admits the schools are flourishing in her statement tonight yet then she asks the community for money because they are not.. can we as a community not see this hoax.. the state rep said Melorse does not fall in the spectrum of “in need”...
Views: 299   Replies: 1
Last Post: Mar 1, 2019 11:45am
by Why We Distrust
Explanation Am I understanding that this happened under Taymore who has now just proposed a over ride with the best interest of the kids at hand? I also...
Views: 405   Replies: 3
Last Post: Feb 27, 2019 8:38pm
by truth
McAndrew At It Again
We all know who she is. She was one of the leaders of Dolan's failed override attempt, and now is a SC member. We all remember that in campaigning for that override she made Pinnochio look like he was under the influence of truth serum. She's at it again. Here's a...
Views: 259   Replies: 0
Last Post: Feb 27, 2019 6:45pm
by Go Away
Hello, The override is the talk of the town, it’s everywhere. I am new to town and this will be my one and only time posting. I am saddened by the things I have seen and heard. People on the Yes side insulted not just me and my family who had questions but oth...
Views: 293   Replies: 7
Last Post: Feb 26, 2019 9:44pm
by Discover
Just curious why we can’t post or respond to any override posts on MMCG positive or negative but allowed to on the pot shop posts!
Views: 222   Replies: 0
Last Post: Feb 26, 2019 7:54am
by Curious
Canceled Meeting
Hello the Melrose Tax Payers Alliance will be rescheduling the question and answer session so to a scheduling conflict with the venue. We will update the community with the new date and with any new information.. thank you for your time and patience!
Views: 366   Replies: 11
Last Post: Feb 25, 2019 8:55pm
Johnson Amendment Repealed
I believe President Trump repealed the Lyndon Johnson Amendment by Executive order that prevented tax-exempt 501C3 organizations, including churches, from endorsing issues or candidates. It was a campaign promise to the right wing of the party.
Views: 196   Replies: 2
Last Post: Feb 24, 2019 9:01pm
by Never Forget
Church Override Information Sessions
I just got my church's weekly newsletter, and see that the church is hosting an "Info. Session" on the override. Is that happening throughout Melrose? I have been at my church for many years and do not recall ever having seen this kind of political event before.
Views: 374   Replies: 9
Last Post: Feb 24, 2019 2:49pm
by Holier than thou
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