Melrose Cares: Open Community Dialogue

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Taymore, Not Trained in the Art of Communication, Uses 10K of Tax Dollars to Communicate
Thank you to Mr. Leibowitz for once again providing a clear window. This man deserves a Pulitzer for his coverage of our homegrown Watergate otherwise known as MPS. This is more of the beyond-the-pale agita-making bullpucky from a rogue administration that thinks...
Views: 415   Replies: 4
Last Post: Feb 17, 2016 12:37pm
by This
Fed Office of Civil Rights Condemns Melrose Administration
Today Aaron Leibowitz of the Melrose Free Press reports on the OCR Letter of Findings, and it is a da#ning scenario, outlining the comprehensive failures of the Melrose administration (schools and city since the city solicitor was primary in advising the district, wh...
Views: 831   Replies: 10
Last Post: Feb 14, 2016 2:27pm
by Just the beginni...
Interesting "DATA" about the evaluation results of the teachers and administrators on the front page of the Free Press on Thursday. "Needs Improvement". The MPS has needed improvement for a long time, although the school committee has continued to describe the "lead...
Views: 541   Replies: 4
Last Post: Feb 9, 2016 7:54am
by Disgusted
Commission on Women
It will be interesting to see the appointments to the new Women's Commission. Diversity is assumed but it remains to be seen. With the OCR investigations about the MPS and how the city has responded, it is crucial that this new program on women is representative of...
Views: 1110   Replies: 26
Last Post: Feb 4, 2016 2:03pm
by El Presidente
OCR Findings and Documents Now Online Thanks to the diligent efforts of Mr. Leibowitz, Ms. Wright, Mr. Dittmar, and several others, the full Findings document has now been posted, along with the resolution, etc.
Views: 1189   Replies: 32
Last Post: Feb 3, 2016 11:05pm
by MFD
MPS stuck with Asst Super who didn't get Tewks job
And this is the person CT "chose" (again) to be civil rights/harassment officer (because obviously she did such an excellent job all these years and made sure our district always followed the law!) after the administration was found to have grossly violated the laws....
Views: 464   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jan 22, 2016 8:40pm
by MFD
Says It All
Saw this on the What Melrose Wants post. Says it all. All Angles - Something's seems to be missing in your thinking unless you believe the principal and superintendent should have passed the whole investigation on to metco to conduct in a proper way. Since they di...
Views: 1027   Replies: 9
Last Post: Jan 22, 2016 2:35pm
by Confirmed
Boston Globe Interestingly, the comments section thinks it's not a big deal. The comments seem to blame t...
Views: 664   Replies: 5
Last Post: Jan 18, 2016 2:11pm
by skinner
Cyndy's OCR BULL
CT's statement regarding the OCR investigation released today is pure "Trump B...SH.." Jessica Sacco, former Free Press shrill for Dolan/SC now works for a PR firm...her trumpeting the MPS line on this subject today is disappointing at best and suspect for many rea...
Views: 1129   Replies: 26
Last Post: Jan 10, 2016 9:16pm
by HM madness
PARCC Melrose killed it on the English portion of the PARCC, scoring an 82, in line with Andover and Concord. Math was a...
Views: 1483   Replies: 35
Last Post: Jan 7, 2016 7:46pm
by Nice Spin
please !
Ed and Liz, please don't just be rubbers stampers and do something to change the SC and MPS...Both have been in deep trouble for a very long time....our kids, schools and city's reputation all have been deeply harmed...I had hope for Jessica D. the last time around b...
Views: 657   Replies: 9
Last Post: Jan 7, 2016 10:52am
by good riddance ma...
# 92 out of 100
Check out Things are not going well in the matter how the SC, Mayor's office, BOA, MEF and hired PR firm attempts to spin things...we were rated a 92 out of 100...Shameful !!!!!
Views: 362   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 7, 2016 8:52am
Once again Melrose Schools doesn't rank at all in top districts on #92 in Greater Boston area out of 100, near the absolute bottom With a super who's managed to take us down to and keep us at a Level 3 district, have us found guilty of civ...
Views: 263   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 6, 2016 10:37pm
by CT's team
MEF thinks it is the arbiter of what parents need to know
Prepare to lose your meal when you read the nauseating garbage put forth during the recent MEF "Parent University": Presentors ❖...
Views: 736   Replies: 13
Last Post: Jan 6, 2016 11:42am
by Parent
National Websites Discussing Melrose Schools Racism/Administration Problem
excerpts Great term: "Skilled incompetence" Great quote: "Fancy footwork is the fourth level. Fancy footwork happens when individuals try to deny the behavioral inconsistencies they exhibit, or else they place blame on other people, which results in distancing th...
Views: 279   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jan 3, 2016 7:56pm
by Malicious intent
Gay-Straight Alliance in the Middle School
Did you read in Thursday Free Press about the new club at the Middle School called “Gay-Straight Alliance”? Yes – these are students in our Middle School. To celebrate this type of diversity, the club has hung posters up at certain locations in the...
Views: 2277   Replies: 56
Last Post: Jan 1, 2016 12:09pm
by Jane Murray
Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose
There are some community members joining with a couple of our civic leaders to call for action in returning Melrose to a more civil and decent community, where our elected and paid officials will be held accountable. The recent direct abuses of two of our elected off...
Views: 1457   Replies: 42
Last Post: Dec 24, 2015 6:30pm
by LOL
Hurt people hurt people.......STOP IT!
Views: 314   Replies: 1
Last Post: Dec 22, 2015 9:20pm
by Observer
Great work
Very proud of the MHS kids again this year. After last years stellar work leading to great college opportunities, this years class if off to a fantastic start. Melrose has 2 Brown early decision admits, 1 Tufts and 1 Harvard...those are early decision choices, I am...
Views: 433   Replies: 11
Last Post: Dec 18, 2015 11:13pm
by Clownster
College Board recognizes Melrose Students
Nice article in the Free Press about MHS students ramping up their AP courses and test scores from 2013 through 2015. The College Board also recognized 8 outstanding teachers (out of 54 across the State)who have worked hard to help these students succeed. There are...
Views: 364   Replies: 0
Last Post: Dec 18, 2015 4:12pm
by AP Recognition
Aldermen Meeting
anyone see the change between city officials at the meeting. looks like someone is a little sensitive.
Views: 940   Replies: 21
Last Post: Dec 18, 2015 10:33am
by Hassan Ben Sober
School Committees Independence
In 1647m the Massachusetts Bay Colony mandated that every town within its jurisdiction establish a public school. Committees sprang up to run the institutions, and in the 1820s the state of Massachusetts made the committees independent of local governments, establish...
Views: 332   Replies: 3
Last Post: Dec 13, 2015 11:02pm
by Zzzzz ...
Let the public know
I think a great way to get the public more involved and informed on what's happening at the SC meetings is to publish the weekly agenda in The Mayor's Blog, PTO's the Melrose MA Community Group FB page, Free Press, Melrose Weekly News and other social and print media...
Views: 649   Replies: 9
Last Post: Dec 13, 2015 8:31am
by MFD
Today's front page article in the FP regarding MVMMS was interesting. In light of how much bullying goes on at the middle school, (often around sexual identity issues) this is positive news. The school is in deep trouble regarding bullying and at least some action...
Views: 442   Replies: 8
Last Post: Dec 11, 2015 2:21pm
by Oh yes
Ginger Day
So what so think about Kick a Ginger Day? Seems several middle school kids were injured today because they have ewd hair.
Views: 2295   Replies: 44
Last Post: Dec 10, 2015 1:20pm
by Yep
Melrose Alliance Against Violence Response to "Kick a Ginger Day"
Here is Rebecca Mooney's response to my email and my follow up response: Dear Ms. Wright, Thank you for your email. The message I read on the “Real Moms” Facebook page was the first I’d heard of the “Kick a Ginger Day” incident...
Views: 1373   Replies: 38
Last Post: Dec 10, 2015 7:15am
by Shiva
Happy Thanksgiving!
We have so much to be grateful for! Family...friends....and a beautiful day. [:)]
Views: 292   Replies: 2
Last Post: Nov 27, 2015 9:21am
by Cornucopia
Views: 250   Replies: 1
Last Post: Nov 25, 2015 10:13am
by Education
Hate Crimes in Melrose String Removed cannot copy and paste material that an organization claims a copyright privilege. I can't stand that either but it's the law. Although this is an "unmonitored" board, and I'm not up 24/7 I have an obligation to comply with the law when I see a violatio...
Views: 545   Replies: 6
Last Post: Nov 23, 2015 11:21am
by Real Facts
An Email sent to Rebecca Mooney Director of Melrose Alliance Against Violence
I just sent the following email to the Director of Melrose's Alliance Against Violence. I encourage you all to do the same. Dear Ms. Mooney I am deeply concerned about a recent response you posted on the Facebook Page “Real Moms of Melrose”. Th...
Views: 315   Replies: 1
Last Post: Nov 22, 2015 2:20pm
by MFD
Incompetent Learning Forums
"Melrose Public Schools to hold competency-based learning forum" - Melrose Free Press Headline It's about time they decided to hold forums based on competence - all those incompetent learning forums the last few years were fairly sickening.
Views: 423   Replies: 7
Last Post: Nov 20, 2015 5:20pm
by What it all mean...
MD Intends to Be SC Chair Again and Biz Mgr Elsewhere
School Comm Nov 10 PT 2 This is a disaster already unfolding. MD stated at the last SC mtg that she intends to be a candidate (meaning in the bag) for SC chair again. In case everyone has forgotten she was a horrible chair before and a...
Views: 504   Replies: 12
Last Post: Nov 18, 2015 6:30am
by More
Email Sent from Mayor Rob Dolan to the Supporters of Yes on the Override
Dear friends, It would be dishonest for me to tell you that I am not incredibly disappointed, both as a mayor and as a parent, in the results of yesterday's election. All of the emotions that follow a very hard fought campaign are natural and real, and they need t...
Views: 905   Replies: 19
Last Post: Nov 14, 2015 3:47pm
by Agree
whats the under/over on the chance that the subject of the override fail comes up at tonights meeting!
Views: 723   Replies: 9
Last Post: Nov 14, 2015 9:47am
by parent
Racism Assembly wasted opportunity
Presumably in response to OCR finding of racism, assemblies on race were held at the middle school and the high school recently. Typical of the Paymore/Dolan decisions, they cheaped out and hired an unqualified group that just created more racial tension at the schoo...
Views: 3550   Replies: 95
Last Post: Nov 13, 2015 1:15pm
by Parent is correc...
Rec Basketball
Travel basketball is now $500???? The girls have reduced their schedule from 48 to 16 games and the cost went up. Did the coaches get a raise? Did the gym fees in Melrose increase? We are already paying increases for services in this city why do we need a tax increase?
Views: 660   Replies: 6
Last Post: Nov 8, 2015 10:33pm
by Ridiculous
Thank god my kid goes private. I couldn't imagine him coming home talking about this nonsense. Sexting scandals, racism, plummeting MCAS scores, and a middle/high school littered with long term substitutes.
Views: 397   Replies: 6
Last Post: Nov 8, 2015 6:52pm
by Don Bling
43% (10,633) Blanks for School Committee! Mayor only gets 70% as Unopposed!
Lest these arrogant incumbents try to pretend they have a "mandate," the truth is quite striking. Nearly half of all who voted could not bring themselves to vote for those running for School Committee! The long-time mayor with no opposition had 30% of the voting popu...
Views: 885   Replies: 22
Last Post: Nov 6, 2015 6:41pm
New Melrose
The success or failure of the override will not be decided by the historical and traditional Melrose voter blocks. Historically Melrose has had 3 distinct groups on the “no” side. There is the hard and fast group opposed to any and all tax increases or...
Views: 1282   Replies: 24
Last Post: Nov 6, 2015 10:53am
by Bear
Today's School Spring Job Postings
Public Postings Date Job Title School/Site Jul 6 Wellness Teacher (.4) Melrose High School Jul 6 Elementary Visual Art Teacher - Long Term Substitute .6 Winthrop Elementary School Jul 2 Wellness Substitute Melrose High School Jul 1 Special Education Tea...
Views: 2390   Replies: 45
Last Post: Nov 6, 2015 9:51am
by Yes the facts
"Yes" way ahead on Facebook likes
As of 10:57am the "Say Yes to Melrose" Facebook page has 595 Likes as compared to 117 for the Melrose Taxpayers Alliance page. That is a margin of over 5 to 1. If this trend holds up in the voting booths it will be a landslide victory for the "YES" votes. In my opini...
Views: 717   Replies: 20
Last Post: Nov 4, 2015 1:42pm
by Sore Loser
Free Press: Override Goes Down in Flames, SC and BOA Disaster
By Aaron Leibowitz and Matthew Reid November 04. 2015 12:12AM Override defeated by wide margin Mayor Rob Dolan's proposed Proposition 2 1/2 property tax override failed by a convincing margin in Tuesday's citywide election, with 61.1 p...
Views: 402   Replies: 7
Last Post: Nov 4, 2015 1:11pm
by No Job for You M...
Bullet Voting
Remember folks the ballot will say "VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN THREE" for the School Committee and "VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN FOUR" for Alerman-at-Large. However, you don't have to vote for 3 on the SC and 4 At-Large. If you really like a candidate as compared to the other...
Views: 437   Replies: 6
Last Post: Nov 3, 2015 4:10pm
by No Norms
Yes for Melrose Cheaters?
Yes For Melrose Cheaters? I received a postcard from the Yes for Melrose group which came with a label affixed to the card and specifically addressed to “The Blank Household”. How did they get my name and address into their personal database capable o...
Views: 451   Replies: 6
Last Post: Nov 3, 2015 10:34am
by Banner on Main S...
Enough is Enough - Vote NO
Enough is enough. Generations of my family have lived in Melrose, six to be exact! I have watched a great school system hit an all time low. Why would we give a dysfunctional school department, that cannot manage their budget time after time, more money to reward...
Views: 611   Replies: 15
Last Post: Nov 2, 2015 5:42pm
by Next year
Clarification regarding override mailing Posted Nov. 2, 2015 at 12:09 PM MELROSE A note to our readers: It has come to our attention that a mailing was sent out to homes in Melrose with an image resembling the front page of the Melrose Free Press. The maili...
Views: 214   Replies: 2
Last Post: Nov 2, 2015 1:24pm
by sickening Yes Ca...
Mass. Discrimination Suits
In Mass. the person who submits the claim to MCAD does not have to submit proof that they have been discriminated. They need only claim that they were discriminated against. It then becomes the burden, including substantial legal costs, of the person or company that...
Views: 676   Replies: 13
Last Post: Nov 1, 2015 9:04pm
by Not a party issu...
Disingenuous Facebook Discussion About the Override
For those of you who are part of the Melrose Community Group on facebook, I want to make you aware that your input is currently needed. One of the moderators posed a question about the override acting like she has hardly heard about it. You know, to get the discu...
Views: 596   Replies: 12
Last Post: Oct 31, 2015 4:57pm
by Perception vs Re...
The Melrose Weekly News, with the largest circulation in Melrose, today announced its opposition to the override stating, "We have never felt comfortable with overrides use to run government."
Views: 309   Replies: 2
Last Post: Oct 31, 2015 2:34pm
by voter
“ I know a lot of you are saying, ‘What can i do, I’m just a little punk. I don’t count.’ Well, you’re dead wrong. The little punks have always counted because, in the long run, the character of a country or town is the sum total...
Views: 271   Replies: 0
Last Post: Oct 31, 2015 12:23pm
by The Truthsayer
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