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Alderman & City Politics
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The Forbes Fam
The Patch released an article this week about the Bill Forbes Scholarship accepting applications for the 3rd year. The scholarship has already awarded $20,000 to MHS seniors who are members of military families or have been actively involved with the local veteran co...
Views: 531   Replies: 9
Last Post: Jun 8, 2019 2:40pm
by Good stuff!
No taxes
I know the Melrose Wakefield Hospital does not pay any taxes , but do they pay water fees ? Also years ago I believe they paid some part of our school nurses salaries then stopped. I think as a community all of our residents and business owners are paying our fair sh...
Views: 280   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 1, 2019 12:00am
by sd
Four Candidates
We now have four candidates officially running for mayor. Will that be it? Or will we see more jump in? One just ****** off her base by cosponsoring the change of the name of the board of alderman. One has been an alderman for about five minutes. One is an alderman w...
Views: 2940   Replies: 71
Last Post: May 29, 2019 5:59pm
by Resident
Ice Cream
I am just curious as to why Honey Dew abruptly closed and now Lisa and her sister in law are reopening as ice cream shop. I thought lease was too long ? It shows on Alderman agenda that they both own shop.
Views: 300   Replies: 2
Last Post: May 21, 2019 3:38pm
by Just wondering
What is your water & sewage bill this quarter?
Hello - I live alone in a condo. My water rater & sewage rate this quarter is $300. The city has been increasing my water usage amount despite the fact that my usage has not increased. I am requesting you to leave your quarterly bill amount & the number of peop...
Views: 430   Replies: 10
Last Post: May 19, 2019 12:05pm
by Hello
water and sewer rates increases
It’s interesting the water and sewer rates increases will be recommended on April 30, 2019. Four weeks after the special election. Apparently the city doesn’t want residents to be thinking about the increase water& sewer rates.
Views: 961   Replies: 33
Last Post: May 11, 2019 10:16pm
by Prep
Condo Water Bill
Hello everyone, I live in a condominium with submeter. Our condo water & sewage usage gets billed every 3 months. Every quarter my water bill has increased even though I have taken all necessary steps to reduce usage based on previous quarter bills. My average quart...
Views: 400   Replies: 9
Last Post: May 6, 2019 5:36pm
by Outrageous Water...
A few respectfully submitted observations
Hi all, It's obvious that there are several folks on here who are vehemently against the override. I know I'm not likely to be able to change your minds, and I respect your opinions, but I do want to offer a few factual observations that you may not be aware of:...
Views: 610   Replies: 22
Last Post: May 3, 2019 8:14am
by Goodie
On Being Woke
Now that we are past the override, it’s time to look at the future changes that are coming. A big one is the leadership and the changes the election will bring. It’s no secret that Zwirko is looking to be mayor. This has concerned me for a while. I am not...
Views: 648   Replies: 10
Last Post: May 3, 2019 7:32am
by Seriously?
Rules, Etiquette
Proper usage of the English language would be an excellent baseline expectation. Unfortunately it is not realistic, especially in social media posting and in an age where even education officials often demonstrate poor command of grammar and acceptable punctuation....
Views: 505   Replies: 7
Last Post: May 2, 2019 6:53pm
by New Name Same Ga...
plastic use
Melrose has banned plastic bags. How about the next step, Eliminating plastic straws and plastic coffee stirrers and foam cups. These small steps wont save the world but they are a step in the right direction.
Views: 222   Replies: 1
Last Post: May 1, 2019 7:03pm
by 2031
I hope there was no vote to let GI continue for a few months as Mayor. Let’s use this money elsewhere! Does anyone know if it was vetoed ?
Views: 375   Replies: 6
Last Post: Apr 24, 2019 4:54pm
by Nice for What
Name change to city council
I am surprised there has been ZERO talk about this topic, which has now been voted on 3 times in 3 years. Every time this came to a vote --- a female member of the BOA voted against the name change (GI, MBMM, and MM) - this vote was he exception. Last night, several...
Views: 684   Replies: 41
Last Post: Apr 22, 2019 10:58pm
by Melrose Taxpayer...
One Melrose
Wow! If you voted no on this election you better hide! One Melrose wants nothing to do with you. Melrose is NOT one community open to all. I am so disappointed in Melrose. My wonderful city is gone. Arrogant disrespectful. FYI I voted yes and now having second though...
Views: 347   Replies: 4
Last Post: Apr 22, 2019 10:53pm
by Zoom
New Electricity Supplier -- Opinions Needed
Melrose is trying the alternate supplier for electricity again. The one that you are automatically part of unless you actively opt out. Last time I opted out immediately but I am interested in people's experiences and opinions to help decide what to do this time....
Views: 414   Replies: 10
Last Post: Apr 22, 2019 10:17pm
by Matter
Override Results 🚫 Share Your Thoughts
Voting for the override is over but the Override has just begun. We must stay vigilant to make sure the extra money doesn't disappear into the night 🌙. There will be a delay because the extra money 💰 won't start to roll into the coffers until August. By then, m...
Views: 1340   Replies: 45
Last Post: Apr 13, 2019 9:57pm
by Melrose Melrose
So it begins. Interim Mayor does not want term to end when scheduled !
Views: 641   Replies: 16
Last Post: Apr 13, 2019 9:51pm
by It's all a Gam...
Mayor's race!
I wonder how this years mayor's race will shape up. Three people announced so far how many more and where will try the direction of the campaign go?
Views: 227   Replies: 0
Last Post: Apr 12, 2019 7:02am
by Watchet
Board of Nincompoops
Board of Nincompoops It isn't gender specific. It describes the members and their incompetent focus on anything but the important issues.
Views: 260   Replies: 2
Last Post: Apr 9, 2019 8:13am
by Willie
It's over
It is GREAT to see the vast majority of the honorable citizens of Melrose repudiate the LIES of the MTA. Who knew that lying to businesses, lying to Steele House residents and proposing not a single alternative solution wouldn’t resonate with the public?...
Views: 274   Replies: 2
Last Post: Apr 6, 2019 9:34am
by It's all over b...
One Melrose PAC
How long does everybody think it will take One Melrose and the City to push for even more taxes, fees, bonds? Since we all know that One Melrose is now the PAC for the City of Melrose...I will wait for the One Melrose keyboard commandos to start commenting, but maybe...
Views: 1392   Replies: 5
Last Post: Apr 5, 2019 5:07pm
Senior Work Off
The Interim Mayor stated that senior work off program had no limitations on income. I believe my Uncle was told he made too much money to qualify. Can someone verify this. So in reading this anyone over 60 in Melrose can receive 1,000 off taxes because they “wo...
Views: 1014   Replies: 27
Last Post: Apr 5, 2019 9:26am
MTA Informational Session Rescheduled?
I wanted to go to the MTA conference a couple weeks ago but when I showed up there was a sign saying “cancelled, will be rescheduled.” I hope it is happening soon as I want I understand more of he truth about the override. Any help?
Views: 267   Replies: 4
Last Post: Apr 4, 2019 8:16pm
by same with HC
The Mayor kept saying seniors can work for a lower tax rate while there is a 40+ waiting list. Wow They need to add more jobs. What about working in the schools doing stuff. How can you advertise this when there are no jobs
Views: 248   Replies: 1
Last Post: Apr 4, 2019 8:01am
by Oldie
Business Taxes
Upon looking at commercial taxes in the immediate surrounding towns, I found that Melrose has one of the lowest commercial tax rates. The only anomaly is Winchester. Then I asked why? Could it be the influential McLaughlin cartel? Stevens? Or one of thef the other we...
Views: 210   Replies: 1
Last Post: Apr 3, 2019 4:22pm
by Professional Pla...
Passes by over 1K votes.
Views: 674   Replies: 43
Last Post: Apr 3, 2019 1:56pm
by There's a fine ...
Predictions for Outcome of Override
With less than a week until the city goes to the polls to decide the fate of the proposed override.....any realistic predictions on the outcome?
Views: 894   Replies: 37
Last Post: Apr 3, 2019 1:18pm
by I wish
One Melrose
So on the One Melrose Facebook states vote early or you will be getting a call from us ? How will they know who has voted ? Where will they get this info? This is concerning. Voting is PRIVATE. Could someone chime in please
Views: 335   Replies: 11
Last Post: Apr 3, 2019 9:49am
I voted yes but I have never been so ashamed of this city! Yes that includes you too One Melrose actually especially you. I should be happy tonight but I am not. I got to see what Melrose is made up of now and it’s not pretty
Views: 247   Replies: 7
Last Post: Apr 3, 2019 8:30am
Lol the MCG group opened back up to comments 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Views: 220   Replies: 1
Last Post: Apr 2, 2019 8:29pm
Polling location Observers
Anyone else notice the "Observers" at their polling location. Usually in close proximity to the check out area....I did. In my case the person had a clipboard, and when I gave my name and address, this person wrote something on there pad. I also know this person was...
Views: 329   Replies: 13
Last Post: Apr 2, 2019 8:24pm
by Could've
Just the Beginning
This will not be the last big increase in municipal spending. Within a few years the city will need to replace the central fire station and the police station. Because the city has not addressed these needs yet, it will become an emergency situation. By then those f...
Views: 231   Replies: 4
Last Post: Apr 2, 2019 7:01pm
by Yep
Fire and Police
The Fire and Police do not matter in Melrose. The Fire and Police Stations are a disgrace. The Fire and Police Stations are unsafe. The Fire and Police Stations should be condemned by OSHA. The Fire and Police Stations were put on “file indefinitely̶...
Views: 346   Replies: 14
Last Post: Apr 2, 2019 1:28pm
by Willie
DPW has the biggest cuts
If the override fails, here are the published expected budget cuts for the DPW (other cuts include Council on Aging, Mental Health Services, Inspection Services, Public Library, Police Department, Memorial Hall): DPW Cuts: $303,500 Proposed Eliminations: * Sta...
Views: 246   Replies: 11
Last Post: Apr 2, 2019 10:19am
by Annoyed
So get out and make your vote matter. April 2 2019 .Vote ON APRIL 2 2019
So get out and make your vote matter. April 2 2019 .Vote ON APRIL 2 2019
Views: 157   Replies: 2
Last Post: Apr 2, 2019 10:50am
by Willie
Example of a dumb outcome
Here's an example of a dumb outcome: Override fails. Library has to pass on receiving the $7.9 million grant that they were already awarded because they are no longer accredited. We then have to do an override next year anyway (for all the dozens of reasons that a...
Views: 186   Replies: 3
Last Post: Apr 2, 2019 10:00am
by Annoyed
We are being misled in Override Debate
Letter to editor, March 18, 2019 Dear Editor, We are being misled on the override. I am writing to alert our community about two instances of deliberate misinformation being spread in our community in the override debate. I respect the informed opinions of my n...
Views: 162   Replies: 0
Last Post: Apr 2, 2019 6:37am
by Letter to Editor
It has been heard that the Melrose PTO has offered free pizza for any student who votes "Yes" on the override question. Putting aside how insulting and morally corrupt this position is, it is nice to know that votes can be 'bought' this easily. Down the road, when th...
Views: 645   Replies: 31
Last Post: Apr 2, 2019 12:34am
by Ethics
Vote yes for police and fire
Compensation for Melrose fire and police are below what they deserve. Continue to underpay them and we'll get what we deserve. Please vote yes to get started fixing this. Dolan's override attempt was soundly defeated because he didn't specify what the money wo...
Views: 254   Replies: 10
Last Post: Apr 1, 2019 9:09pm
by overtime
New and Old and New Overides
I get it Melrose has changed when I was young the old timers in Melrose said the same to me that was almost 45 years ago. Melrose's strength was always that it was a community where blue collar and white collar folks could live together side by side, (we were not Lex...
Views: 453   Replies: 13
Last Post: Apr 1, 2019 8:24pm
by voting???
So if you don’t agree with the sanctimonious yes crowd you are referred to as a nope a dope and don’t care about the children. I’m disgusting at what has become of this city. Don’t tell me about the no crowd. From where I’m standing it&#...
Views: 275   Replies: 6
Last Post: Apr 1, 2019 7:30pm
by Big Edd
Fire and Police
The Fire and Police do not matter in Melrose. The Fire and Police Stations are a disgrace. The Fire and Police Stations are unsafe. The Fire and Police Stations should be condemned by OSHA. The Fire and Police Stations were put on “file indefinitely̶...
Views: 175   Replies: 0
Last Post: Apr 1, 2019 9:27am
by Fire and Police
Fire and Police
The Fire and Police do not matter in Melrose. The Fire and Police Stations are a disgrace. The Fire and Police Stations are unsafe. The Fire and Police Stations should be condemned by OSHA. The Fire and Police Stations were put on “file indefinitely̶...
Views: 162   Replies: 0
Last Post: Apr 1, 2019 9:27am
by Fire and Police
Stolen signs
To the outspoken yes supporter Paul G, who is lumping all No voters into bad people. It was most likely one person who stole yes lawn signs and I’d still rather be lumped with the no people than with the unethical scare tactics of the yes group. I would go as f...
Views: 432   Replies: 32
Last Post: Apr 1, 2019 7:19am
by I Agree Wholhear...
Cialis is better than Viagara
My erections are firmer and last longer with Cialis. I don’t mind spending the extra couple of dollars.
Views: 131   Replies: 1
Last Post: Mar 31, 2019 9:35pm
by Fossil
My neighbor and I both had NO signs on front lawn now they are gone. Really !!! You may not like my decision but stop ✋
Views: 156   Replies: 1
Last Post: Mar 31, 2019 5:08pm
by Quote
“Sunshine Act”
By Jon Couture March 28, 2019 A few days ago, the “Florida Man” challenge swept the Internet. A simple enough concept: Google the phrase “Florida Man” and your birthdate, then tell your friends what ridiculous piece of crime news comes up...
Views: 188   Replies: 0
Last Post: Mar 30, 2019 9:30pm
by Records
Bewtra Running for Mayor
For Gawd sake! This is ridiculous. Such audacity from someone who is a lousy alderman/gameplayer. Apparently it's going to be a crowded field of such empty suits. Melrose makes me tired with its stupidities!
Views: 470   Replies: 13
Last Post: Mar 30, 2019 12:14pm
by true
I'm tired of seeing all the posts on the MCG supporting the override from apparently the only people who truly love Melrose. I have 3 children, 3 loving, caring, smart children ages 20-27, two at home who would be mortified if I posted on the CG so I have to do it an...
Views: 488   Replies: 12
Last Post: Mar 30, 2019 8:17am
by Beenhereabit
If your opinion is unpopular, it might be for a good reason.
If most people think you're wrong, there might be something to that. You're probably not a revolutionary free thinker. It might be that you're just a hateful *******. If you decide to double down instead of reflect on yourself, best be prepared for everyone to call y...
Views: 163   Replies: 1
Last Post: Mar 30, 2019 7:59am
by RE:
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